Grow Room: Spend my 3k. Winner gets prize


Active Member
Hi all,

My buddies and I are starting a smallish grow. We have 3k to spend and already have an apartment rented out. I wanted to ask the wise people of this forum how they would spend the money to get the most bang for your buck. If people play along, this could get really interesting and everyone would be able to see how some of the best do it. Whoever comes up with the idea that we eventually use, will get $100.


List all supplies needed for your idea, along with prices. Then calculate an overall total. Assume we have no supplies to speak of. The only restrictions are that included in your idea, you must include the price of seeds and grow tents. That is something pre-determined. All of you ideas MUST have all of the plants in grow tents, whether vegging or flowering.

You can go in depth into your plan as you wish, but please include the style of growing i.e. screen of green, sea of green, lollipopping, etc...

So, use your imagination and spend 3k. Have fun with it, and hopefully learn something along the way.


Well-Known Member
hiring a bail bondsman .. cause your going to get caught ......

TELL NO ONE...... You already have friends involved ,,
Im sure they have girlfriends .??????????????. They will talk ..


Active Member
2 friends actually. They completely understand the risks. Trust me, I know that loose lips sink ships. That's why I'm on this forum. It's a great place to toss around ideas with people who don't know you or where you are located.

Appreciate the concern though


Well-Known Member
2 friends actually. They completely understand the risks. Trust me, I know that loose lips sink ships. That's why I'm on this forum. It's a great place to toss around ideas with people who don't know you or where you are located.

Appreciate the concern though

Good luck .. the smell of a bunch of plants is a lot bro ,, be prepared


Active Member
That's what I like about the tents actually. If you use the proper filters, exhausts, etc... the smell can be hidden within the tent.

I'm thinking along the lines of 15-30 plants flowering at any given time btw. That's not a huge grow by any means. Containing the smell is a primary concern and one of the reasons so much money will be invested for so few plants.


Well-Known Member
so if it is a small grow why did u rent a whole apartment for it???? You do know that the apartment owners only have to give you a very short notice before they go right in. And if no one really lives there and three guys come and set up a bunch of grow equip, that won't look so good.


Active Member
The apartment will be inhabited by 1 person. It is small and hidden on the second story of a 3 story complex. The notice for entering the apartment is 72 hours as stated in the contract, and we have been assured that never happens. We're not going into this blind.

As far as collecting $100 I want to be clear about something: if multiple people respond with some suggestions and we get a real thread going here, there is the high probability of me choosing one of the ideas. I will then start a grow journal where people can follow along. And I'm serious about the $100. Whoever wins can have it mailed to an address I'm presented with. There is no timetable for suggestions...people can come up with ideas until we actually start growing.

Thanks for any suggestions you might have


Well-Known Member
The apartment will be inhabited by 1 person. It is small and hidden on the second story of a 3 story complex. The notice for entering the apartment is 72 hours as stated in the contract, and we have been assured that never happens. We're not going into this blind.

As far as collecting $100 I want to be clear about something: if multiple people respond with some suggestions and we get a real thread going here, there is the high probability of me choosing one of the ideas. I will then start a grow journal where people can follow along. And I'm serious about the $100. Whoever wins can have it mailed to an address I'm presented with. There is no timetable for suggestions...people can come up with ideas until we actually start growing.

Thanks for any suggestions you might have
Are you going to us one room and split it for flowering and veg or are you going to use two rooms and split the stages?


Active Member
Are you going to us one room and split it for flowering and veg or are you going to use two rooms and split the stages?
One room of the apartment will be dedicated to growing. This includes vegging and flowering, but remember, everything is to be done in tents, so the two can be seperated.


Well-Known Member
One room of the apartment will be dedicated to growing. This includes vegging and flowering, but remember, everything is to be done in tents, so the two can be seperated.
Righteous!! I know that it will work. When I had to do the apartment thang; I grew indoors too.


Active Member
Ok, so I've developed my own setup. Let me know what you guys think and what should be added to it:

1000w HPS/MH Lighting system ($300)
5 x 5 x 7 Dark Room grow tent ($300)
20 feminized seeds from a bank ($200)
6" carbon filter and intake fan ($200)
Fox Farm Soil and Nutrients ($100)

x 3 = $3300

I would have approx. 16 plants per room. I would Veg and Flower them in the same room since I've got an MH and HPS light. I would choose to lollipop them on the bottom third of the plant when I changed the cycle over to 12/12.

I know a few other costs would be incurred. Just off the top of my head, I obviously need some 5-gallon buckets, a couple small fans to increase air circulation, some type of PH meter and what else?

Again, thanks for all the responses and help.


Active Member

I would cycle the 3 tents so that I ended up with one harvest every month (assuming 4 week veg from clone eventually and 8 week flowering cycle). This would mean harvesting 16 plants per month. With the lighting and nutrients I've got, 2 ounces per plant is pretty reasonable. 2 pounds per month sounds damn good to me.


Well-Known Member
Ill be honest with ya, I really dont care about the $100 bux but Ill help ya out if youre looking from somthing decent to work with, remember we do not know much about you and I am assuming you have knowledge of growing. With this said, I would simply say SCREW the veg process, SEA OF GREEN!!!! Utilize both tents for flower and put 2 mothers in the the closet, they wont smell for shit. You can even use flouros on them to keep the heat down as well as the bill.

2x High Tech Garden Supply = $518

4x High Tech Garden Supply = $716

4x High Tech Garden Supply = $468

2x High Tech Garden Supply = $398

$30 for misc Ducting make sure to run your intake and out.

1x High Tech Garden Supply = $784(30site Setup) Use one res between both tents.

3x High Tech Garden Supply = $105

Ok so you have your equipment here, I personally would go with a simple nutrient when growing more than 10 plants. Dutchmaster Gold is a 2 part solution for flower and veg, so a total of 4 parts. But if you eliminate veg you only using 2. The DM Gold is around $150 for the larger 1gallon containers. This is what I would suggest. Next is your water supply..... TAP water sucks and buying distilled can get expensive, here is my solution.

1x High Tech Garden Supply = $209

Your Total = $3378

Now if you do some shopping around for your lighting, you can bring that price down a bit. Also if your spending this kind of money for an elite setup you should be able to fork out an extra $400, and if you use my idea that will save you another $100 so to say since you want have to pay me anyway. Now I shopped on one site just to give you an idea, you can use multiple. Try OpenDNS for some refurbished ballast kits if you are trying to cheapen up the price, otherwise, buy new ones.

The reason I put 2 600w in each is to up your yeild, and cover your square footage without losing lumens to your plants, I can achieve great results with 2 600w rather than 1 1000w. I dont know your situation but this would only cost me roughly $100 per month.
Also sea of green eliminates those light fluffy leafy buds that grow on the lower end of the plant where the light doesn't reach as well. SoG will give you 100% dense and heavy nugs. If you are looking to profit, this is how to do it.

I wish you the best of luck, and remember to always maintain a clean room and equipment. Your setup should be cleaned after each cycle.

Also if you would like to eliminate some cash from the tab, grow in dirt.... Grow bags are small enough to SoG in and are fairly cheap, if you use ProMix as well as hydro nutrient you can achieve the same quality and speed. You will only want to mix in 1/3 of the reccomended dosage when doing this. Make sure to lay somthing down to protect the floor as well.

See ya around RIU!
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Well-Known Member

I would cycle the 3 tents so that I ended up with one harvest every month (assuming 4 week veg from clone eventually and 8 week flowering cycle). This would mean harvesting 16 plants per month. With the lighting and nutrients I've got, 2 ounces per plant is pretty reasonable. 2 pounds per month sounds damn good to me.
4 week veg from clone isnt needed. if you want to veg aggressivly in 3 weeks to get the same effect, its possible. But I have been doing the veg/flower thing for too long and I have changed it up, you can fit more in the space and come out with more in the end and better quality all around.

Also being in an APT, you will wanna harvest a couple times and move ASAP. Get a house and start over.
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