how do you party,if youve partied for 15 years straight?

This messages it's those born at gold Crib , I see real life history I can best book in life but what they tell me is that my life is private and I respect a lot I learn I don't judge no one if Wanna change anything this word for better I'll start farm my self very quite l, say something to hurt people very easy when you put your self behind fking computer I'm from brick where people is thankfull God to alive don't matter how much they have
Thank you all the people respect this web and become friend I'm not from usa but I love my hood
Who says he isnt enjoying life ? You ?

From his posts i see in HS it seems to me like he enjoys the shit out of life , instead of plopping his ass in front of the tv or computer for entertainment like most people he grabs life by the balls & likes to trip balls .

Even if he does require drugs to enjoy life does that make him less a person than you are because you chose to abstain , you obviously smoke & grow pot which is a drug many many people deem as a wasted life , how is your drug use any different than his just because you chose not to use daily .

Some guys can handle their drugs while others cant , then another group preaches to both groups , all hypocrites .
I've allways had fun..I don't STAY fucked up,have in the past,but now I take life easy,but never get settled into the "mediocrity" of life..I've allways wanted to accentuate is grand,psychedelics increases the experience of life...think of it as the sprinkles on the icing of the cake :-D
Im gonna eat the whole thing!!
I thought that it was looking like they might just do a few big fests and possibly a long run or two at some major venues.
Yea,thats the talking about the ubiquitous "spring tour"...
Langerado,hangout,wsp,firefly etc...
im 36 today.
ive never had a birthday party ever..ive never considered it since,well,lifes a party imo.
so,how shall i celebrate?
ive got 40hits of needlepoint,15hits of amber,2cb,dmt,mushrooms,quaaludes,mdma,mda,ketamine,moonshine,bho,honey oil,and pounds of dank..
any suggestions?(trolls keep your brokeback fantasies to yourself..)..
im really at a loss every year how to celebrate...and no this isnt a pity party:-)..i just never consider how ill celebrate...
You tried explosives?
Hey Rory what do you know about the darkstar jubilee?
You should go :-D 5 days of dso,and Melvin,Donna, and kimok security,they send out kids to find things,then beat the find-ees up when they try to run..(don't ask me how I know this :-))
Great venue,awesome week long fest,beaches,burning man jumps off the cliffs,kids stuff/area,nice campsites,cold water,parasailing,I think a might be a camp in Missouri,im high)..its a great fest,I recommend it!!(just watch security.!)
You should go :-D 5 days of dso,and Melvin,Donna, and kimok security,they send out kids to find things,then beat the find-ees up when they try to run..(don't ask me how I know this :-))
Great venue,awesome week long fest,beaches,burning man jumps off the cliffs,kids stuff/area,nice campsites,cold water,parasailing,I think a might be a camp in Missouri,im high)..its a great fest,I recommend it!!(just watch security.!)
haha there aint no beaches at legend valley