Need something to relax (just quit drinking)


Well-Known Member
So I went from drinking really heavily and not smoking at all (I actually registered for the hydro stuff, never smoked in my whole life.) So I quit drinking all together and I am going nuts. As sad as it might sound I need something to help me unwind.

I would love to smoke but my biggest problem is getting a hold of some bud. I am early 20s professional and am always told "you look like a cop" by people. I have zero desire to go to a bad part of town and just start asking people and I am not going to make a thread called "How do I get weed" because again, I would just seem like a cop.

So any ideas? Nothing stronger than weed and I am really not into hallucinogens (salvia).


Well-Known Member
Actually my best friend is a cop. While he is not one of the "do I smell dope boy?" types he would be mad if he found "paraphernalia" around my place.


Well-Known Member
He quit drinking & is looking for something to relax himself. You could try meditation.


Well-Known Member
I recommend the "go to a bad part of town and asking around" thing. I don't know your locale, but just walk around the slums of wherever you live and shout, "Hey, does anyone know where I can find some Dank Bud!?!?!?" Just kidding, this will probably get you beat up, not shot(unless you live in Compton), but could get ugly. Dude you basically HAVE to know some one in order to find pot, good pot anyway. I would say that 90 percent of stoners started smoking because a friend opened their eyes. The only other option, without the risk of getting beaten up that is, is to grow it yourself. The sucky part is you're nowhere near risk free going with that option either(cop friend would not like finding a growing operation!) Gotta meet a stoner brother.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you might need to grow if you really want to try it. Growing is a personal choice - don't let the government rule your life with their laws - do what you want to.


Well-Known Member
Go to the nearest collage and ask around. Someones gonna know where to get it, and less of a chance of being beat up.


Well-Known Member
Where do you people hang out?

lol sorry, couldn't resist the need for the "you people".

search for parks with chilled places to hang out :mrgreen:

at least that how it rolls where i live ( i always smoke in public and have never been busted)


Well-Known Member
Go to the nearest collage and ask around. Someones gonna know where to get it, and less of a chance of being beat up.
that should work fine. it's college, there's gotta be mad stoners there. (at least there are where I'm going)


Well-Known Member
if your at the local shop and you see someone that might smoke a bit just ask him "no where to get any grass bro" you might look like a cop but who cares. he'll say yes or he'll say no ether way no biggie.
go into a gardening shop and ask the guy in his 20's where to get some lol