How to save big $ with concentrates.

To the original title of this thread, I use cannabis essential oil concentrates, not because it is cheaper, but because there is no other easy way that I am aware of, to produce sublingual, topical, and suppository medications.

It also greatly simplifies measuring and standardizing dosages.

From a vaporization standpoint, it allows me to medicate less often, and preserve what is left of my bronchial tubes, which suffer from COPD inflicted on them by smoking bud.

Properly done, the cannabis essential oils include the mono and sesquiterpenes giving the strain its distinctive aroma and taste, and it doesn't take much to adequately dose.
Az I am confused you call wax oil. And shatter bs then you say mila can shove her bs bags so your against bubble too? So what exactly are you saying?
Could you guys please enlighten me on the proper most cost effective process for making oils, and wax? I want to make a very good contaminate free concentrate, to medicate with as opposed to herbs with are taking their toll on my lungs. Thanks in advance and hope to get some good advice that isn't too dangerous to make.
Could you guys please enlighten me on the proper most cost effective process for making oils, and wax? I want to make a very good contaminate free concentrate, to medicate with as opposed to herbs with are taking their toll on my lungs. Thanks in advance and hope to get some good advice that isn't too dangerous to make.

Opinion abounds! I mostly use BHO and QWET.

You must pay attention to win, so worth reading this forums threads on the subjects you seek enlightenment in, to see more than one persons thoughts.

To conserve my own time, here are some of my own thoughts: , also scattered through the threads in this forum that I have anything I deem worthwhile to share.

My approach has always been to develop as thorough an understanding of why the rules apply, so as to better understand how to effectively break them.
Takes less to get you high because it's a concentrate, and the price reflects this. It' pretty much swings and roundabouts.
usually the dudes bitching about concentrate is because they dont got the money or time to make their own. and their client base just disapeared with the oil rush.. .. lol. i noticed.. most of the dudes talking shit about oil. havent made any.. havent even seen anything worth smoking to begin with.. then they bash the entire subject..
usually the dudes bitching about concentrate is because they dont got the money or time to make their own. and their client base just disapeared with the oil rush.. .. lol. i noticed.. most of the dudes talking shit about oil. havent made any.. havent even seen anything worth smoking to begin with.. then they bash the entire subject..
Garbage In = Garbage Out will create shit oil that would cause anyone to say dabs suck.

Frankly, MOST run shit material that tastes like garbage and couldn't be sold as larf/bud. The best extract artist is limited by the quality of starting material. No wonder that most oil sucks. GIGO

Now that said, a poor extract artist with an inherent knowitall mentality is inevitably destined to fuckup material of any quality.
is there a process to make oil out of wax?...lets say like taking 2 grams of wax to make 5 grams of oil? ..not looking to get my throat slit..just wondering lol
is there a process to make oil out of wax?...lets say like taking 2 grams of wax to make 5 grams of oil? ..not looking to get my throat slit..just wondering lol[/QUOTE
Dilute / cut it with peg or pg?
Would not suggest it, just make wax with butane or oil with isopropyl. That's like saying you should cut your blow to make it last longer, we'll sure but you know the pure stuffs better. That's why I like iso oil though, it still blows your head off and lasts way longer.
Garbage In = Garbage Out will create shit oil that would cause anyone to say dabs suck.

Frankly, MOST run shit material that tastes like garbage and couldn't be sold as larf/bud. The best extract artist is limited by the quality of starting material. No wonder that most oil sucks. GIGO

Now that said, a poor extract artist with an inherent knowitall mentality is inevitably destined to fuckup material of any quality.

A good point. A well made extraction smells and tastes like what it was extracted from.

When using old material, with few remaining monoterpenes, the same holds true. If it smells like hay, the very best extract from it, will smell and taste like hay as well.

To the latter point, the evidence that I've seen to date supports the theory that you can't make chicken salad out of chicken manure, but evenly a low IQ chicken can turn chicken salad into chicken manure.