First Marijuana Vending Machine That Doesn't Check ID

Dat Dank

Active Member

Just when you thought the debate surrounding marijuana couldn't get anymore controversial, think again.

In a recent report from, following the first marijuana vending machine that began operating in Colorado this past year, Canada has decided to come out with their own version. There's a difference however. The Canadian version of the machine doesn't ask for your ID.

According to reports, the box contains a plethora of strains and cannabis infused products to satisfy the pickiest of marijuana consumers without going through the hassle of asking you for an ID or medical card. In case you decide on purchasing from the machine, be sure to bring your cash, as that is the only accepted form of payment, and the machine only dispenses in quantities larger than an eighth of an ounce (3.7 grams).

"Its packaged up and sealed professionally. So you come in, you buy your product, it's fresh, it's quick and easy, and you're out of here in minutes," says Chuck Varabioff, of the BC Pain Society, the dispensary where the machine is currently in operation.

The anonymity that comes with purchasing from the machine is another bonus for regulars who like the idea of coming in to the shop, stealthily purchasing what they want, and exiting smoothly, without anyone knowing.

“Our regular members, they already know what they want, they can walk up straight up to the vending machine and get in and out quickly,” Varabioff stated to World Truth, “they also know we’re not recording any of their sales, and they’re also happy with that.”

Accessories that can be used to smoke cannabis such as glass pipes, mini-vaporizers, or rolling papers have yet to get their machine, although with the response that the machines are getting with cannabis in them, it may not be such a bad idea.

I predict a queue around the block for that machine .. Where I am people weigh the bud exact to the second decimal place. lol.

No kidding, not to mention the negative attitudes of some of the bud baristas and security guards. The dispensary that I frequent off of La Brea and Sunset in Los Angeles, has some of the shittiest customer service. I'd love having a machine where I can buy an eighth, headache free, without having to deal with the hassle of a smart ass bud barista.
No kidding, not to mention the negative attitudes of some of the bud baristas and security guards. The dispensary that I frequent off of La Brea and Sunset in Los Angeles, has some of the shittiest customer service. I'd love having a machine where I can buy an eighth, headache free, without having to deal with the hassle of a smart ass bud barista.

Bud Baristas ? .. and you complaining LOL

just kidding, in my corner of the world the nearest thing to a barista is a dodgy looking stoner in a dark alley. .. I hear ya though, it would be nice to cut other people out of the equation all together.
Bud Baristas ? .. and you complaining LOL

just kidding, in my corner of the world the nearest thing to a barista is a dodgy looking stoner in a dark alley. .. I hear ya though, it would be nice to cut other people out of the equation all together.

I know what you could be way worse in California, but fortunately it's not. What part of the globe do you hail from where marijuana transactions have to be carried out in a dark alley?