Hash and Oil Picture Thread

Yeah its weird it was like sap after I vac purged, then it waxed up on me over time (almost 2 months)

So I tried winterizing and it came out nice.

*** if I were to winterize on a fresh batch would I do it before vac purge or vac purge, winterize, vac purge again?

Before purging. Generally most people usually will blast into a pyrex measuring cup or something they can pour. Then when its almost done evapin and is down to about 150-200ml they add the cold-room temp iso/ethanol and this drives out all the butane basically due to the iso being warmer than the butanes boiling point so once it all mixes through theres very little butane left.

You do this instead of waiting til its gummy/evap'd so you dont have to apply any heat because generally once its heat purged or vac purged unless you want to wait a while and mix often it usually takes a long time to break down pre purged bho into alcohol.

Doing it before the purge also helps with saving any flavors you might have ripped off. So taking it 2-4 days in a vac chamber then redissolving into another solvent that generally takes hotter temps/longer purges is only hurting you.

And supposed the same thing that happens with butane in alcohol happens to the terpines too. Supposedly since the alcohol reaches the boiling point of some terpenes it causes them to evaporate out of the alcohol solution.

Dont quote me on that but thats one of the main reasons why people do single solvent dewaxing. There may be something to iso/ethanol that specifically fucks with terpenes too but i would not know that.

Last but not least try to use ethanol over iso because theres supposed to be less break down of those terpines with ethanol over iso. Ive tried both and it seems that your evap temp makes the most difference. IF you have the patience and time get something like cheese cloth and lay it over your evap pyrex and put a fan on it. THis way you keep hair and dust out while it evaps slowly at room temp damaging as few terpenes as possible.

If you do heat try not go go above your max vac temp when you purge. But either way youll end up with some killer stuff. Might just be a lil less POW on the flavor but it will certtainly still have flavor as long as you purge it long enough.

Good luck.
So taking it 2-4 days in a vac chamber then redissolving into another solvent that generally takes hotter temps/longer purges is only hurting you.
Why would hotter temps be required? Under vacuum we are only heating a slab to provide a viscosity that allows bubbles to form and escape the surface tension. I've not noticed a need to use more heat for etoh than butane.
Why would hotter temps be required? Under vacuum we are only heating a slab to provide a viscosity that allows bubbles to form and escape the surface tension. I've not noticed a need to use more heat for etoh than butane.

I am talking about etoh/iso. Which i run at slightly higher temps since it takes longer to purge completely. I do it because iso/etoh typically doesnt have the same amount flavor as bho. Can still be damn good and ive made my share of iso/etoh.

So instead of taking it 2-4 days at 85 and getting slightly sappy-bendy iso id prefer to have it at 95-100 and has solid shatter in 2-3 days maybe 4 depending on the taste test haha. So im not sayin like 125 degrees hot just warmer than the usual low and slow good bho gets. Im generally a little more lenient with my temps on trim runs too just because theres not as many valuables to be saved.

I recently came across some technical grade (i think thats what it called) ISO thats 99.9% minimum purity. Used for HPLCs and similar testing equipment.

Got it for free so might do some small/super cold iso runs in the future. But probably use it for dewaxing and then recover when i start distillation. Workin on making some clear and experimenting with some isomerization of other cannabinoids and what have ya. hahaha.

Gonna be interesting.
I'd room temp fan evap it overnite, scrape the resulting porridge to a silicon mat and into a vac chamber at around 105f. This will get you there fast and happy.

That is literally my tek when using iso/etoh. hahaha Ive started putting a cheese cloth over my pyrex to keep dust/hair out. Got cats and dont have a dedicated fan.

I also do it in my bathroom with the exhaust fan runnin so it doesnt build up with alcohol vapor.

I scrape to parchment but to each his own. Then vac for 2-4 days. Ill start lower than 105 at the beginning but after about 12 hours at 85-90 the top layer is solid and the bottom is gummy. So a flip and another 12 and then the temps get bumped to 100. Sometimes higher if i want over shatter/wax
That is literally my tek when using iso/etoh. hahaha Ive started putting a cheese cloth over my pyrex to keep dust/hair out. Got cats and dont have a dedicated fan.

I also do it in my bathroom with the exhaust fan runnin so it doesnt build up with alcohol vapor.

I scrape to parchment but to each his own. Then vac for 2-4 days. Ill start lower than 105 at the beginning but after about 12 hours at 85-90 the top layer is solid and the bottom is gummy. So a flip and another 12 and then the temps get bumped to 100. Sometimes higher if i want over shatter/wax
yeah i didnt think alcohol vapor would be a problem but with the fan blowing and having it on the coffeee table in front of me it gave me a headache lol and stank
yeah i didnt think alcohol vapor would be a problem but with the fan blowing and having it on the coffeee table in front of me it gave me a headache lol and stank

Hell yeah the worst is when you get used to it for an hour or 2 then go outside and come back in and i always think "damn it can not be good that im getting used to that smell" shits gotta be fuckin somethin up. But whenever a bathroom vent is available thats my go to.

An over the range vent that actually vents outside would work too. Most dont though now a days.
I speak to him every so often but sadly, some forum members on here were rude n giving bad info/taking info and he just didn't like how the forum went and turned into. Some personal things as well but know he still loves everyone that is true :-)

Man, that's a shame. Bunch of no good assholes in this world ruining peoples lives. Hmmm, maybe that is why I am so bitter these days and don't really talk and trust alot of people. I always try to be a nice guy, when I was serving in the Army I was an easy come easy go type of guy...I was always joking around but when shit hit fan I knew when to get serious. But anyway, I was also more the passive guy and had alot of shit pawned off on me and handed down to me..and I took it...I guess one day I snapped..and became the center of attention for the BN...and then got made and example of.

There is alot more to the story than you see..but im not gonna disclose that
That is why you are in our town, still haven't found any one in this town who has not served, besides me.

This town is beginning to suck. I want to move so bad but the lady doesn't want to.

Lucky Charms is a pretty potent one. I found a little nug in my subwoofer box...really heavy relax mode
I suppose when your solvent is heavier than air one needs their bathroom vent and range hood (not explosion proof btw) installed in the floor. smh

I understand that but when your bathroom is about 4x4(thats being generous) and your fan pulls 250+ cfm and the only way for air to come in is under the door then it pulls a fair amount out the top. Just because its heavier than air doesnt mean its stuck on the floor impossible to move by fans. Especially when evapin over night and runnin the fan the whole time. By the time i wake up theres not a smell of alcohol, and my pyrex is ready to be scraped. Just like in a grow room using the negative pressure to pull in air from outside the bathroom. Why else would they tell you to cut fans off when running co2. If what youre saying is right than itd work running fans during co2 because itd all just sit on the ground?

I also have a fan blowing over my iso which constantly has the air mixing up. And just having that fan, which you mentioned to include, is enough to start an explosion. Are either of the fans gonna start an explosion? Probably not. Is it possible? Definitely, just not likely. Especially with alcohol. Butane id never do it without an explosion/sparkproof/marine fan, or use positive pressure to push it out a vent at the bottom of the room. But thats because butane is a hell of a lot more flammable than alcohol.

Also, my floors about 55 degrees so iso, in theory, would recondense on the bathroom floor if it was realy pooling up that hard. Which ive NEVER seen.

Its definitely not the safest method out there but its better than having it spill through your house possibly hitting a pilot light and actually causing a fire/explosion.