DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

Hello everybody ! Wow ,this one of the best LED threads ,so far which i can find on internet . Thank you for all valuable information !!!
I am plan to build one panel with cxa 3590 ,but when i go to digikey to buy some it is few of them available . Which one i should get ? And i will use it for flowering only . Also what driver will support them ? Say if i do 10-12 cxa per panel ? And if anybody have schematic to how to connect them ?
Thank you in advance
Hi there :)
flowering needs more of red so you need 3000k ones. you have to calculate the number of COBs based on your room as more does not always means better. my example is a universal light. i am planning to use one 4000k and 2*3000k. 4000k for vega and 3000k for flowering. one 3590 will give you ~10000 lm. which means 100k lumens in your setup.
Hi there :)
flowering needs more of red so you need 3000k ones. you have to calculate the number of COBs based on your room as more does not always means better. my example is a universal light. i am planning to use one 4000k and 2*3000k. 4000k for vega and 3000k for flowering. one 3590 will give you ~10000 lm. which means 100k lumens in your setup.
I have 4 flowering room 11x46 feet ,and 23x46 veggie room .So if i find out how many and which one cob cover say 4x5 area ,then i will multiply it for all rooms . My main problem why i don't want to use HPS light is too much heat ,and of course crazy electrical bill :))
Do you have exact part numbers for cob and drivers ?
Thank you
cxa3070 driven each by the Mean Well PLP-60-48. That puts me roughly at 50w per cob correct? So to get the required voltage to each alpine, would something like any old 12v power supply work for running all 8? Still around the learning curve a bit here, but I want to build one of these lights. They are killing it

Other sources that may be more reliable than desktop power supplies are laptop power supplies. They are usually in a form more suitable to 12v and higher currents [1+ amps]. Commonly found in 12 /24v's....

Other things, I have robbed a PlayStation 2 over the last few months of many good parts for diy, lol. The power supply is an 8a 12v version Class 2....

A lot of thrown away electronic office equipment, like laser printers/ copiers, fax machines, etc, have internal 12v power supplies, used to power internal functions. Not all have these, but a lot do....
How many cxa 3590 i can hook up to this driver HLG-185H-C500A ?
Thank you
i am on the way so can not find the characteristics of both. you have 2 ways to connect such things as leds (and other things needs pwer) - parallel and series. Series will multiply voltage, parallel will multiply amperage. lets say you want to run 10 cobs series while each takes 40v and you want to have 1A. you neeed a power supply of 4000v and 1A DC. you will need a 100A and 40V power supply in case you want to connect COBs parallel. both cases are quite agressive as it is not easy (if even possible) to find such supplies. you definitely need more than one power supply.
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Seeing as the the only bins available for the 3000k cxa3070 in single units(budget here) are the z2's are these efficient enough to still pull a Gpw? Or should I save my cash? I can always upgrade later to ab's but I'm trying to avoid running ac this coming spring and don't want to loose out on my usual hps yeilds. trying to run 8 3ks in a 2x4 closet what kind of heat will 400 watts of z2s give me in that space? How hot do those drivers get?
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i think you will need more of them to compensate,i hope someone with more knowledgeable will chime in ,perhaps Supra ? :) Please helps us :wall:
Seeing as the the only bins available for the 3000k cxa3070 in single units(budget here) are the z2's are these efficient enough to still pull a Gpw? Or should I save my cash? I can always upgrade later to ab's but I'm trying to avoid running ac this coming spring and don't want to loose out on my usual hps yeilds. trying to run 8 3ks in a 2x4 closet what kind of heat will 400 watts of z2s give me in that space? How hot do those drivers get?
400 watts of Z2 will put out around the same heat as a 400watt HPS.
Supra had a link where aliexpress had z4 for a fair price and ab out of stock..a search there should turn it up.

I wouldn't run z2...although running it at 1a or less on a good heatsink should be able to run close if not ambient. Much better than a hps could do. But, before z2 i would go vero..

Mouser has abs but the price is too high for me
Supra had a link where aliexpress had z4 for a fair price and ab out of stock..a search there should turn it up.

I wouldn't run z2...although running it at 1a or less on a good heatsink should be able to run close if not ambient. Much better than a hps could do. But, before z2 i would go vero..

Mouser has abs but the price is too high for me

Really has anybody got them? Are they legit? I always thought that Ali was real iffy when dealing with electronics. However I've no actual experience with them. Also how long is wait on shipping? Got my next cycle coming up in about 4 weeks
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Aliexpress is ok but forget about warranty. I buy cheap from there if they have what I want and I can wait a couple of weeks. Pick sellers who have been there for a while and have high positive feedback with a lot of sales.