fox farm nutrients

So my girl is almost 5 weeks old and growing by the day. I'm using Fox Farm nutrients, Grow Big veg nutrients and tiger bloom flowering nutrients. ...
My schedule so far....
week 1 - nothing
week 2 - 1/2 teaspoon veg
week 3 - 1 teaspoon veg
week 4 - 1 teaspoon veg & 1/2 teaspoon flower

I'm also using Fox Farm soil. I wanta know if I can up the dosage or if I'm using too much. This is my first grow and the plant looks healthy but maybe I can be feeding her more.... Any info in feeding would be helpful



Well-Known Member
Less is more. I follow the directions on the FF web site, (water, water, feed, repeat) I don't start feeding till after a month or so....
According to that schedule I haven't been feeding her enuf, not even close. It saus at week 4 I should give 3 teaspoons of veg and 2 teaspoons of flowering nutrients. .. that seems like alot, especially sence I keep hearing less is more


Well-Known Member
I push my plants hard with these nutes, I see a little burn I back off. You have to give you plants just enough water for a few days on this schedule. I run 600 and 1000w 's so they drink about a gallon every 2 days in 5 gal pots. (of course this depends on plant size)


Well-Known Member
Using FFOF soil you shouldn't need any nutes for about 4 to 5 weeks. Then start small, maybe 1/4 per suggested, up it as you see fit. Strains will react differently. GL


Well-Known Member
in veg i go by week 2 and 3 until ready for flower i veg for almost 8 weeks i also use cal mag
my leaves look bad on the bottom also i just let them fall off i look at the new growth


Active Member
Dude I used ff nutes for years you plant looks great those leaves with the discoloration is nothing just pluck them off. At week 5 just start using there feed schedule like tubepot said feed water water feed this point just use there recommended doses.the only thing that I would consider if I were you I'd probably top that baby 2 nodes down and veg it for an extra week or three ha ha to increase your yield.any help you may need just ask,but your baby looks great.


Active Member
One more thing do check your phone pre watering I keep mine about 6.0,also every 3rd watering check your runoff ph.also did you add any lime to your soil before planting?