Curing... curing techniques? they smell great while growing ...


Well-Known Member
and then once i dry them, they lose that smell and turn to a grassy smell. i know curing takes weeks and that hows the smell comes into play.. but its tough to wait that long. any special techniques to get the great smell back or get it faster?

i have 2 lemon kush plants that im going to put lemon peels in the jar.. but is there other ways for differant strains?

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt put those lemon peels in there unless you over dry. Sometimes it takes a really long time to get the right flavor and smell. after a week break a bud open usually you can get a hint of the original smell and flavor that way. i dont think there is a way to cure faster, dry faster yes but not reccomended. patience is key


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt put those lemon peels in there unless you over dry. Sometimes it takes a really long time to get the right flavor and smell. after a week break a bud open usually you can get a hint of the original smell and flavor that way. i dont think there is a way to cure faster, dry faster yes but not reccomended. patience is key

patience is the hardest part! i may just use the peels for like day. but that would be after a couple of weeks. my grape ape picked up its smell after 6 weeks...a long time. i was just corious if everyone deals with the long time frame for curing?


Well-Known Member
my white widow needs 2 weeks of cure to get a nice flavour back but it never gets that hay, fresh cut smell. after 6 weeks it is fully cured and taste phenomenal. i grew some purple haze x early skunk, as soon as it was dry it was ready to smoke taste was fantastic but got even better with a good cure. It is really hard to be so patient first you wait to chop then you have to wait to smoke. Good luck with your patience i am still battling mine


Well-Known Member
are you using co2? also what is your ave temp and hum? im just trying to compare to what i do. maybe its the type of strains. i have white russian that has been curing for about a week and seems to be doing better. it smokes nice right now, i just want more smell. i just started my bubba kush curing yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Properly harvested cured weed usually gains aroma, flavor, and even strength, until it's 100% dry, a situation avoided as long as possible in proper curing, IMO.
When my cured pot starts to worry me re:dryness, I throw a couple/few small buds from the bottom part of another plant, or the remainder of a partial harvest, in the jar (for what that's worth?). Of course, this means I keep an eye on that for signs of mold, but it keeps the cured bud perfect for me . . . nice and gooey and pliable as I'm packing, perfectly dry by the time I find my lighter . . . in my other hand.
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Well-Known Member
It takes time to break down the chlorafell into starches and sugars. Curing 3 weeks or longer is the best way to get that smell and maximum potency.


Well-Known Member
I agree. My Warlock smelled bad for the first 3 weeks. I have let it cure now for 9 weeks and as I smoke it i can taste the fruityness it had while growing. It will take time but it will get there.


Well-Known Member
in summer my temps are in the low to mid 80's in winter temps are around 75 - 77, and i keep humidity around 40% year round never over 50% but that is by choice. i use a cool mist humidifier to humidity at check. i am buying a air cooled reflector probably this weekend to keep temps down in the summer. When i dry i chop all the branches off the plant and most of the large fan leaves. then hang in a cool dark spot. i leave branches hanging until they feel dry to the touch. then i do a final trim and place in jars checking frequently to let air out and to move nugs around. i will do this for a week or two, then tightly close jars for a few more weeks