Some are more equal than others...

Because he is part of the party of love, understanding and tolerance. As long as you are in lockstep.

I noticed theexpress came in talking all his racist nonsense. Not a peep from the racist patrol though. I guess when you play on the right team you get all the best benefits. Or does racism only exist when it's against the Blacks?
I noticed theexpress came in talking all his racist nonsense. Not a peep from the racist patrol though. I guess when you play on the right team you get all the best benefits. Or does racism only exist when it's against the Blacks?
Can you quote the racist parts
Because he is part of the party of love, understanding and tolerance. As long as you are in lockstep.

you seem very tolerant and understanding of red when he mocks carne for the fact that his partner was beat to death for being gay.

how many more little losers are gonna whine and cry for red because he can dish it out but not take it?
They are all the same race.
you could say bigoted which is just as bad though

Theexpress is a white boy. He is condemning a whole race of people. You already know this though. You're just on "the other team" so you feel it is required to disagree with me.