Taking Edibles on a Plane


Well-Known Member
I didn't know where else to put this thread. Hopefully it will find a good home here.

I haven't flown on a commercial airline in many years, and I was just wondering if it's safe to take a couple homemade marijuana muffins on a plane, like in your jacket pocket or something? Like you would a pack of peanuts or a candy bar.

Would they ever have a dog sniff personal carry-on food for MJ?

Just wondering.
Well, I bring actual weed with me on just about every flight I've ever taken as an adult. Never had any issues. I only bring a few grams though. I'd say you are safe to bring a brownie. But then I am not going to be responsible if you get caught, so it's really up to you if you feel sketchy about it don't take the risk.
sounds risky, assuming youre not a legal med patient? is it in the usa?
i wouldnt do it.
I didn't know where else to put this thread. Hopefully it will find a good home here.

I haven't flown on a commercial airline in many years, and I was just wondering if it's safe to take a couple homemade marijuana muffins on a plane, like in your jacket pocket or something? Like you would a pack of peanuts or a candy bar.

Would they ever have a dog sniff personal carry-on food for MJ?

Just wondering.
canine units wander around with guards in very large hubs. smaller regional hubs don't have them. you shouldn't have a problem. if you didn't know a canine unit sits down when he smells drugs. but in a large high traffic area there's zero chance of the cop acting on it. it's actually funny to see.to answer your question they sometimes have dogs but they do not sniff baggage or people. i've seen 1 canine unit and i've flown quite a lot.
canine units wander around with guards in very large hubs. smaller regional hubs don't have them. you shouldn't have a problem. if you didn't know a canine unit sits down when he smells drugs. but in a large high traffic area there's zero chance of the cop acting on it. it's actually funny to see.to answer your question they sometimes have dogs but they do not sniff baggage or people. i've seen 1 canine unit and i've flown quite a lot.

Aren't the dogs looking only looking for bombs?
Aren't the dogs looking only looking for bombs?
no not all of them. i can't comment on what goes on inside the minds of leo's and airports. i've witnessed a canine unit in an airport sit down when i went by signalling he smelt drugs. but the cop couldn't stop everyone or anyone for that matter. there are canines trained for explosives but the point is we don't live in such a police state that cops with angry dogs patrol airports on a regular basis.