Soil, fertilizer, and plant food?


Active Member
Hey guys, I've been using some stuff to grow but I fear it's not enough to grow the food stuff. So I was curious, what do you guys suggest for veg and flowering?


bud bootlegger
ask 10 different peoples, and you'd probably get 10 different answer ranging from the full a/n lineup, to miracle grow.. not one correct answer..
look for a good npk ratio for w/e phase of growth you're in, and roll the dice and pick a winner imo.

just remember less is more when it comes to nutes.. you can always add more later, but can't take out any extra that you already added in..


bud bootlegger
i have had good results with both the fox farm line up, the grow big, tiger bloom and w/e the third one is called..
good results with botanicare's line up, veg, and flower, and liquid karma..
had good results with an's stuff, but got tired of feeling like a mad scientist mixing a bunch of crap..
good results with general hydroponics as well..
i use a local product callede dairy doo and i mix it with FFOF, bat guano and a touch of lime sweetner, no nutes thru the 8 or 12 weeks of veg but she gets blasted the last 8 weeks of flower with Bud Candy, Dairy Doo bloomer, floranova bloom and molasses.


Well-Known Member
Farmer's Pride High Yield System, you can look up each product on their site can't beat the prices
i went with the 3-Part High Yield System trying in 1 dwc and 1 soil