Random Jibber Jabber Thread

yes thank you and yourself?

Was a nice chilled day.

Sisters two little ones reenacted what felt like the whole of frozen for me and then drunken board games after they went to bed.

Now just need to get by NYE and i can go to bed for the whole of January. I'm knackered.
Nice, are those your earrings?
No, they're pot holders but I can hang them from my cock and helicopter with them. Wanna see a video?
I do! I do!
Come on by and you can have some.
Friend wants to make some. I'm not too sure, only experience with edibles wasn't a positive one.
You can easily eat too much and nothing you can do about it once it's in you. Just hang on for the ride and post stupid shit on RIU...........That's what I do.

Gotta test them first, eat a really small amount and wait 2 hours for it to peak and then eat more if you want. I make mine the exact same every time so I know exactly how much to eat and what will happen.