Club 600

Well not been on in a while as my last lot was shite, I have this on the 4 I flowered here...IMG_20141229_081506.jpg

I have sum blue pit just starting couple regs to try find a female, can't wait to get going again I'm gona build a little veg box for my cloners and then do a full run cos the perpetual is to much for me I end up with nute problems
So my mate in Scotland is a lighting engineer (well, a lecky engineer, he fits out rooms in oil rigs and stuff.) Anyway, he reckoned the perfect thing for the old vertical grow would be an LED Net. Basically like a fishing net with leds all over it. He reckons a 1000w net would be ideal in a space like mine. You could just have it hanging down with plants growing through and inbetween the light netting? could work I reckon....the heat sink for the lights would be outside the cab so also ideal. Anyway, probably the sanest conversation I had all Xmas.
Night DC -ps. F1 clone onlys can be fire and fun too, and simple to make 8-) f1 usually have that awesome hybrid vigor, then the f2-f4 usually suck, then f5 and up get better again

Damn hydro, your gear is looking great! Is that big plant in the first pic an auto!? That's crazy if it is, damn! My problem with autos is I can veg and flower a clone much quicker than an auto, and 15-20 days veg and they are ready to flower :p looks like you got some crazy snow! Hope all is well man
Thanks AP. Yeah it is an auto. have 3 looking like that and 2 lacking in size. Crazy thing is they were vegged under a 90w ufo for 4 weeks then under the hps. Low nute soil and only rainwater (Now mineral water as its frozen) judging from the pale green i should have given them some more N but i think they will yield okay. I had 140g of a Big Devil auto in dwc. These are not even half the size or beauty.
I hate clones cant support themselfes.. Id rather go seeds all the time if i knew i was a badass breeder :)
Its a strange and difficult time. Thanks for asking. I love how cannabis talk gets my mind going cause i love it :) I can just stare at my girls for half a day..
Any of you lads grow in a outbuilding ? I'm thinking of building one . I got another child on the way & the spare room aint spare much longer lolol
My room is in the corner of an unheated pole barn in a climate that can be habitually below 0F. As I needed to make it " all-in-one" it has a starter cabinet included that holds the next generation until the last is jarred. Summer grow went great but I was not limited to the room. Winter grow had different challeges but I am about to finish with what seems like a larger yeild with fewer plants. Next grow will have probably the nastiess conditions but the current added knowledge that has me confident moving forward. Here it b....
I wish I could bro! I'd have 10 lights here if I could, though my landlord is cool, she ain't down with anything bigger than what I got goin lol. and that's what I"ve been hearing bro, so shitty about the rippers :( I'd set some land mines out lol, that'll deter em - I don't have a big yard anyhow, if I do anything outdoor it will be out in the wilderness somewhere, the outdoor law sucks here anyways and my yard is like a 1/4 acre so I technically can't even have an outdoor grow at this house which sucks! I just wanted to have one or two out back but probably will just say screw it and keep it to indoor for now unless I move to a place with some land
10 lights, wow you got a dope house. lol cop said that about my house in court. I had 5