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Getting filthy rich can't be very easy, or everyone would be.How hard is it really to be filthy rich and have people do all your work for you?
Getting filthy rich can't be very easy, or everyone would be.How hard is it really to be filthy rich and have people do all your work for you?
If the goverment wasnt responsible for at least providng basic educationIsnt the government responsible for the free public education system in this country?
Who is responsible for illiteracy? Are you gonna tell me it is racists? Are you gonna blame Buuuuuuush??? How old do you have to be to realize it is kind of important to learn how to read?
Is whatever wrong with you something you had at birth or is it some other kind of defect?
Yes I am sure Mitt Romney and George Bush Busted their asses to get where they areGetting filthy rich can't be very easy, or everyone would be.
Getting filthy rich can't be very easy, or everyone would be.
Yes I am sure Mitt Romney and George Bush Busted their asses to get where they are
"They were not easy years. You have to understand, I was raised in a lovely neighborhood, as was Mitt, and at BYU, we moved into a $62-a-month basement apartment with a cement floor and lived there two years as students with no income... Neither one of us had a job, because Mitt had enough of an investment from stock that we could sell off a little at a time."
Fuck HIllaryYeah, lets talk about rich people
“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.”
Hillary Rodham Clinton made that comment in an ABC News interview, opening herself and former president Bill Clinton to intense scrutiny about their paid speeches while she considers a 2016 bid for president.
If the goverment wasnt responsible for at least providng basic education
What would our literacy rate be?
Oh yeah right. You have advocated vigourasly for the elimination of the department of education.
Do you have any views you have formulated yourself?
Fuck HIllary
Another corrupt insider trading bitch. You should admire her. SHe seems your kind of people
Yes, the economic boom of the 90's never
Getting filthy rich can't be very easy, or everyone would be.
Wait... One of the problems you cite is the illiteracy rate. Then when I point out the GOVERNMENT is responsible for public education I get excuses and wild guesses that it would be higher??
We spend more money per capita on our kids education than almost any other country in the world yet somehow it is the fault of the RICH people that our kids cant read??
How do you torture logic to fit that concept?
I have advocated vigorously for the elimination of the FEDERAL department of education. You somehow think if a person becomes a federal employee they become supar smart and able to deal with problems that the common peasant couldnt possibly fathom. That appears to be in direct conflict with the shitty literacy rate in the country but a few more turns on the rack should sort that out right?
And you are pissed at the Republicans for *torture*... You should be droning yourself into absolution.
Maybe it had something to do with Reagan and Bush Raising taxeswhich had absolutely nothing to do with reganomics, retard.
Fuck HIllary
Another corrupt insider trading bitch. You should admire her. SHe seems your kind of people
And seriously
Paid speeches?
George W. Bush: According to Yahoo News, former president Bush has taken in around $110,000 per speech since leaving office. He doesn't quite match Bill Clinton in the Cashing In Olympics, but he's still piled up at least $15 million since vacating the White House in 2009.
NothingI dont have a problem with the Bushes or the Clintons getting rich after getting out of office. If people want to pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars so be it.
Why dont we talk about why a major network news station paid Chelsea Clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars to fail spectacularly as a news anchor or whatever the fuck she was... I am sure it was her raw talent that got her that job right?? Oh wait...
You know what? I dont really fucking care. If a news network wants to pay some politicians kid a bribe for favors at a later date and that person is not in office then I dont even think it is illegal.
Everyone does it. Favors happen for democrats, for republicans, for liberals, for conservatives and especially for the rich and powerful. It has always been this way and to deny it is to deny reality.
What does any of this have to do with money in politics?
I dont have a problem with the Bushes or the Clintons getting rich after getting out of office. If people want to pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars so be it.
Why dont we talk about why a major network news station paid Chelsea Clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars to fail spectacularly as a news anchor or whatever the fuck she was... I am sure it was her raw talent that got her that job right?? Oh wait...
You know what? I dont really fucking care. If a news network wants to pay some politicians kid a bribe for favors at a later date and that person is not in office then I dont even think it is illegal.
Everyone does it. Favors happen for democrats, for republicans, for liberals, for conservatives and especially for the rich and powerful. It has always been this way and to deny it is to deny reality.
What does any of this have to do with money in politics?
Maybe it had something to do with Reagan and Bush Raising taxes
Or the Illegal immigrant amnesty Reagan signed or the Executive order on Immigration he also signed
You brought it up as a strawman that you couldnt even beat up; without kicking your own ass
So what would the literacy rate be without goverment involvement?
Dont just dodge the question
From 1870 to 1979 the illiteracy went from 20% to less than 1%Try not to be so short sighted. I am not just talking about Clinton, Bush, Regan, etc. The federal school system is a failure. The illiteracy rate is rising and has been for a long time.
Whenever I blame government you hear me blaming Obama and you rise to defend even the most illogical shit because it is your *side*.
It is my philosopy and a fact that someone being rich does not necessarily make someone else poor. Therefore I honestly want EVERYONE to do better. It is not a zero sum game, the economy is built on wealth creation and the truly wealthy in this country are the ones that create it.