AMA - UncleBuck

What is the shelf life of Haterade?

Will Obama Care help cure a heinous case of Cauliflower Nuts?
  • If Not, what would you recommend?
  • If Yes, do I need to register to vote first?
  • Did you get all the Pics I sent??
What is the creepiest gift I can give to an elder male relative without being obvious?

Which character from Saved By the Bell do you find most attractive, and why?
What is the shelf life of Haterade?

Will Obama Care help cure a heinous case of Cauliflower Nuts?
  • If Not, what would you recommend?
  • If Yes, do I need to register to vote first?
  • Did you get all the Pics I sent??
What is the creepiest gift I can give to an elder male relative without being obvious?

Which character from Saved By the Bell do you find most attractive, and why?
Somebody made a whole thread on here about hateraid