AK 48 with LST, almost 1 month


Active Member
:neutral: So I had some problems with bottom fan leaves turning yellow. I cut off two, which where pretty much dead, but the rest seemed fine and the new growth as good as it did before. That was about a week ago. I also, wanting my CFLs to get good reach, have LSTed the plant.

The other bottom fan leaf that I didn't cut off looks yellow-ish still, and I'm hoping not to lose it or have the rest of the bottom leaves turn too.

I was told it was either root bound or N deficency. I removed the plant and filled the bottom with soil and some perlite (less perlite than I had put last time, just in case. I put around 25-30% last time, and this time around 10%). I put the plant on top of the new soil and filled in the edges with the new soil mix.

any other thoughts for bottom leaves turning yellow? solutions?

how does the LST look?

thanks guys and girls-- good luck with your grows!




Well-Known Member
u were told to repot it not put it back ion same size pot.give it room to grow. you were told to feed it, so give it some food. sounds simple to me m8.also i hope u arent using soil from garden as could have pests in it.


Active Member
i was told to give it more room to grow, i forgot to add that i had the soil filled up about 2/3 of the way before. I've added at least 25-30% more soil than it had, so I'm guessing that is plenty more room.

also, ak48 is supposed to be a short/small-ish plant (not like a giant sativa or something). I've seen people here grow in 2 liter soda bottles and the like, my pot is definitely bigger than that. That being said, I only plan on vegging for another week or so(24-0), then I'll try and clone and switch the main plant to 12-12.

I'm using store purchased soil, not garden soil, and haven't seen any pests or anything strange. It is also winter were I am, so I am trying to keep the space warm with a small heated lamp.

Here is the set up, pic below. 2 45w CFLS, 1 22, and the rest are 11w.

I also have a small plant, bag seed, which is growing next to it. It also started showing some yellow leaves, so I put my heated fan up there to regulate the temp (it is winter here).



Active Member
(NOT HEATED LAMP. A fan that has the option of heat, and turns on and off depending on the temp.)

On a whole, I guess I should ask if it looks okay and should I be worrying. I think the picture is a little greener than in real life-- but i guess that would be the same for lots of people on here. I didn't invest 50k dollars into this grow, so I also shouldn't be expecting what people with huge pro set ups get.

this is how the plant looked about a week ago.



Well-Known Member
okey dokey, in my humble opinion a heated fan may dry plants out, def looks like bigger plant needs more nutes, add them at small amount 1st, mayb get some light round edge of plant not just top, but apart from that i cant c that u r doing n e thing wrong.


Active Member
thnx man-- i'm going to do nutes and water every two days and see how it looks after a week or so.

gluck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
I see twisted leaves. Is your PH optimal? Ditch the 11 watters and get some 26w or greater 2700k and/or 4100k lights. Ganja loves the red spectrum.


Active Member
light: yeah, the larger leaves are pretty much flat but the newer growth looks a little bit folded down the middle. The fold looks symmetrical in all the leaves and mini leaves so I'm thinking it might be a phenotype of AK 28. I'm going to change those 11w soon too, when I get some extra cash.

leaves look ok to the others?

UPDATE: I have a 13N solution (I think, although that sounds high to me) that I diluted at about 1/2 part to 5 liters, so around 25% strength. I had been putting a tiny bit with water, but recently gave it a good pour of nutes and that has seemed to help. The big bottom fan leaf is starting to look a deeper green (ps, who the FUCK knew there were so many goddamn shades of green?!! To talk about these plants we need to start inventing shades of green... like how the eskimos have hundreds of words for snow.)

Anyway, plant looks okay for now, but some of the upper leaves are still a little lighter than I would like them to be. Other than the possibly strange shape of the leaves, I feel much better than I did a week ago.



Well-Known Member
yeah but once they are yellow they arent worth saving, you dont want your plant putting energy into old dead leaves.

you want fresh new growth!


Active Member
i see your point. the leaf looked much better today, and if it isn't back to the green the other leaves have in a day or too i'll snip. it is just one leaf, but it was one of the firsts so it's huge in comparison. i doubt it'll make a difference in the long run, but i don't want to have to cut 3-4 leaves again in another week because of the same problems!! I'm hoping I've learned my lesson with the first sacrifice.

times like this i wish i lived in the middle of nowhere. just toss em out the window and wait.


Active Member
hey guys,

here are some new pictures, a little over a month now.

I took Slam's advice and figgured one fan leaf more wouldn't hurt. I cut it.

seems to be looking good so far, the folded leaves in the new growth makes me a little concerned but if it won't hurt the plant I don't mind it. i think it looks kind of cool- actually, it may just be a Nirvana phenotype for the AK 48. I've read that AK 48 from them tends to either be more Sativa-y or more Indica-y.

Also, I changed the LST from crappy/lazy tape to screws which I can adjust. Seems to be enjoying the LST for now, the new arrangement of the two 45w CFLs appears to work well with the new shape the plant is taking on.

**I think It'll take about two months to flower, should I start flowering soon with my plant size and size of my grow closet? Any advice from fellow tight spaced growers- I hear that they can double in size during flowering so I hope I can control that with the LST.

thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
folding leaves can be a sign of stress check your ph some strains leaves will fold up like tacos if overwatered.