problems with BCSC NL#5 ??


Well-Known Member
HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD PROBLEMS WITH BRITISH COLUMBIA SEEDS NORTHERN LIGHTS#5?? I bought 7 reg seeds planted 2 and they germinated quickly but have been in veg for 3 weeks now, they came up w/ the normal rounded leaves but no new growth. its as if there are no true leaves even coming out.. just round leaves and nothing since, should i throw them away? they were 14 dollars a piece so im just waiting and watching, never seen a plant stop growing w/ no new growth past the rounded leaves..Has anyone else seen this? where is the new growth or are these seeds geneticlly bunk? Is their a reason for this? im in 4 inch rockwool ph is perfect and plants around them are growing fine. Is there anything i can do?


Well-Known Member
the stock is very old,toss em
generally old seeds take longer to germinate.. these germinated overnight and after put in rockwool they came up in 2 days, dropped the shell and showed the round leaves, at first i thought everything was great, but now its been weeks and no new growth..isnt that just a mutated genetic? and if it is a genetic mutation what are the odds of it on 2 seeds?? im just hoping as they are expensive hoping somhow somway theyll grow...anyone else??


Well-Known Member
I've had issues with NL#5 from Sensi Seeds......same deal....would pop and once it had to rely on it's roots.....died. I've had six of 'em do this to me. Close to $100 down the drain.


Active Member
ive had the exact same problem with old seeds a few telling you its cause the seeda are over 6 years old,maybe more


Well-Known Member
how can they charge us so much cash for old ass seeds?? is it that they no longer breed the original nl5? its really sad to think they would just want profit and have no care about reviews opf their strains or seeds..its time we all come together till seed companies either drop their prices or sell us quality seeds.. i was really looking forward to the nl5..only 5 seeds left and hoping for a killer female is slowly diminishing after these 2 old, or mutated plants


Well-Known Member
You might be drowning the medium. Try letting them dry up a bit. I also recently had a few beans that came up fine and then "stalled". Tried a few things and nothing worked. I gave them a heavy feed of Roots 66 (basically just Kelp) and molasses, after a day the first set of true leafs began forming and now they are growing vigorously....

*Pics of your plants would help

**i would never grow anything from BCSC, but that is a matter of preference I guess


Well-Known Member
I bought some timewarp
From next generation seeds
5of them
All popped but only cotyledons were there
no leaves come out between them
They will not ever do nothing
Atleast mine didnt all 5
pissed me off
Never bought from them again


Well-Known Member
Next time, go with Mr. Nice's Ortega, lots of crosses are made using Ortega.
have ortega, and nl5x afghan, critical mass from mr. nice havnt tried m yet.. but i grew the shit and it was the shit!! crossed it w/ the fire og bx3 from bcbd, it took most traits from the og but finishes faster and produces like the shit.. me and friends call it the fire shit now...


Well-Known Member
You might be drowning the medium. Try letting them dry up a bit. I also recently had a few beans that came up fine and then "stalled". Tried a few things and nothing worked. I gave them a heavy feed of Roots 66 (basically just Kelp) and molasses, after a day the first set of true leafs began forming and now they are growing vigorously....

*Pics of your plants would help

**i would never grow anything from BCSC, but that is a matter of preference I guess
ill try to put up pics in a few days, gotta take pics for my journal anyways. the 2 nl5's are 4 weeks old today and are just begining to see a leaf coming up out the round set,,,fingers crossed they start growing.. ive babyed them, took them out of the ebb n flow away from all the other moms.. flushed them w ph 5.6 about a half gallon through the 4x4 rockwool cube last week then went back to hand feeding them every other to every 3 days w half strength nutes..i just hope if they do come up they wont be finicky, i run mostly DWC so they need to grow with the others, i cant be keeping them seperate for too long..this is the only strain i bought from bcsc dont think ill buy anymore from them..BCBD has much better seeds, loved the big and im just starting the ultimate purple now..


Well-Known Member
Next time, go with Mr. Nice's Ortega, lots of crosses are made using Ortega.
is ortega a stabilized hybrid?? i went w the nl5 because its a true breed,,ive been doing some crosses making f1 hybrids so i try to buy true breeds, stabilized hybrids, ibl's and land race saves me time of growing out a shit load of seeds and back crossing three times..


Well-Known Member
[QUOheChemist77, post: 11180440, member: 885947"]have ortega, and nl5x afghan, critical mass from mr. nice havnt tried m yet.. but i grew the shit and it was the shit!! crossed it w/ the fire og bx3 from bcbd, it took most traits from the og but finishes faster and produces like the shit.. me and friends call it the fire shit now...[/QUOTE]
Oh, you'll really like Afghan x Nl5 , big production of old school stuff. Funny how old school is new school , when everyone wants what's trendy.


Well-Known Member
is ortega a stabilized hybrid?? i went w the nl5 because its a true breed,,ive been doing some crosses making f1 hybrids so i try to buy true breeds, stabilized hybrids, ibl's and land race saves me time of growing out a shit load of seeds and back crossing three times..
Considering hes been growing it for over 20 years, I'd say its stable. Had original Nl5 and its real close, if not better.


Well-Known Member
I bought some timewarp
From next generation seeds
5of them
All popped but only cotyledons were there
no leaves come out between them
They will not ever do nothing
Atleast mine didnt all 5
pissed me off
Never bought from them again
i just bought a 5 pack of feminized dynamite, reg avalon, and island sweet skunk all from next gen..i hope my seeds do better than yours, they were fn expensive!! did u call or try to get m replaced?? ive had my seed place replace a bunch of seeds, but after the last time they said they cant keep fixing the breeders fuck ups or crappy genetics, and i understand its not their fault the breeders are fucking us,,they have already probably lost money replacing seeds for me.. so i may have worn out my welcome so to speak..Anyways i have been wanting to try dynamite for years,, now i have the seeds but i have to many strains growing wright a matter of fact i need to decide which strains to get rid of soon, 15 strains is to much, want to get down to the best 3 or 4, no more..


Well-Known Member
Considering hes been growing it for over 20 years, I'd say its stable. Had original Nl5 and its real close, if not better.
really?? guess if these 2 dont come up i know to plant the far as old school shit, ive really never gone w/ the newer crosses, i have alot of seeds but normally stick with the tried and true varieties.. just ran mellon gum from dr. underground and was really disapointed, also all the new kush craze, is crap in my opinion.. good old afghan,pakistani, or hindu kush original landraces are far superior to all these new kush's that most are not even from the region!!


Well-Known Member
TheChemist77 said:
really?? guess if these 2 dont come up i know to plant the far as old school shit, ive really never gone w/ the newer crosses, i have alot of seeds but normally stick with the tried and true varieties.. just ran mellon gum from dr. underground and was really disapointed, also all the new kush craze, is crap in my opinion.. good old afghan,pakistani, or hindu kush original landraces are far superior to all these new kush's that most are not even from the region!!
If you want a tip , join his auctions at his website, you can get fresh seeds at bargain prices, it just takes a while to get to you , last one took 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
If you want a tip , join his auctions at his website, you can get fresh seeds at bargain prices, it just takes a while to get to you , last one took 3 weeks.
ive been hearing about that, better prices. can u give me the web address? thanks bro.


Well-Known Member
Just won Afghanistan x Nl 5 for 40.00 including shipping. Oh, I've sent cash with zero problems. They have Ortega up for auction right now.