6 week old plant in veg... no signs of sex....HELP


Well-Known Member
ok so basically my question is do i wait to see if it naturally sexs? or do i force it by going 12/12? i wanna use this plant as a mother so im trying to be patient but i really need to start the hydro already...

also this isn't a case of me not knowning which sex it is... just simple the plant hasn't shown any signs of either sex... no balls/pods or pistols... tho the plant has small white hairs on the stock already... not pistol hairs but mirco ones


Well-Known Member
You could cover a branch with an opaque bag for a day or three and that should give you indications a week after you remove the bag.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
most plants show their sex when they mature.putting in 12/12 before mature will show sex but hurt ur yeild. cut a clone and put it in ph water under 12/12, it will die as has no roots but will live long enuff to show sex before it does


Well-Known Member
ok so basically my question is do i wait to see if it naturally sexs? or do i force it by going 12/12? i wanna use this plant as a mother so im trying to be patient but i really need to start the hydro already...

also this isn't a case of me not knowning which sex it is... just simple the plant hasn't shown any signs of either sex... no balls/pods or pistols... tho the plant has small white hairs on the stock already... not pistol hairs but mirco ones

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
Ok jus reread. It is showing sex ifyou see little white hairs at the base of the node. If ur wanting to keep it as a mother you would never want to put it into flowering, the 12 12 cycle


Well-Known Member
so should i just keep waiting then? won't it naturally sex? like i said its already been 6 weeks... how much longer should it take?


Well-Known Member
Usually 40-50 days I have been told but you've went this long what's another week or two


bud bootlegger
so should i just keep waiting then? won't it naturally sex? like i said its already been 6 weeks... how much longer should it take?
yeah, at six weeks, it should be showing signs of sex just about now.. usually see sex from seed right around 6 to 7 weeks or so ime..
the good news is males tend to show sex first.. i'd just wait it out, it's only another few days or so imo.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
okay this is starting to confuse me indeed. OP says he knows the sex, so either clone or fem seed? From wat u described it is showing sex.m_and_f2.gifThe small micro hairs u say are it showing sex.when u flower ittakes thousands of them to make a bud. Not gonna see more then those unless you go to 12\12 but if make it ur mother, u dont wanna do that.


Well-Known Member
okay this is starting to confuse me indeed. OP says he knows the sex, so either clone or fem seed? From wat u described it is showing sex.View attachment 3319445The small micro hairs u say are it showing sex.when u flower ittakes thousands of them to make a bud. Not gonna see more then those unless you go to 12\12 but if make it ur mother, u dont wanna do that.
i mean the stock its self... not the node sites... but the actual main stem has tiny micro hairs on them... like thousands... idk what they are called but i know they are on most marijuana plants from my experience

4.jpg it looks kinda like this... i'd take an actual picture but my lights are off until 3 pm