Polytheists and Pagans Win the War on Christmas


Well-Known Member

If you want to see how Christmas spread to Rome, here is the link:
A lot of people think that when people say "Mithras" it means that the person saying it believes in the Zeitgeist and you think Jesus is Horus and blah blah blah. That is not this. Other people like to say "The Red and White comes from Coca Cola" but Santa was not made by Coca Cola, Saint Nicholas was a Christian Saint who was from Turkey. And Turkey was central to the Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman empires, so there is TONS of hidden stuff in Turkish Islam, because people converted to Christianity and Islam but they kept their old customs.
Mithras was a Popular God in various Cultures, in Zoroastrianism he is known as Mica, in Hinduism he is known as Mitra and there is a form of him pretty much everywhere. He was the God of Promises and Contracts, so he was the widespread God of Marriage and Gift Giving. The Entire Spirit of Mithras is to Give and Share and Promise and Keep Promises.
In Europe specifically, it was popular to decorate a tree in the woods, then wait for the Mushrooms to "Hatch". Below you will see a picture of a closed mushroom, an open mushroom and Mithras. The closed mushroom was known as "The Cosmic Egg" and the Open Mushroom was Mithras. The Mushroom popping open is where the whole idea of "Opening Presents" comes from, and the Decorated Pine tree is a Mithras Tree, no matter what you call it.

This Mushroom is also probably where "Flying Reindeer" come from, because the Reindeer eat these mushrooms then they prance around, and at that time people collect their Urine to drink it. Amanita Miscaria Mushrooms can make you feel kinda sick, unless you Cook it at the right temp or "Decarboxylize" it. This is why they wait for the Reindeer to eat it, because then it is already Decarbozylized.

This season is a Time of Sharing, Giving and Mushrooms. And if you take Mushrooms you will probably want to Give and Share, so everyone should probably try Mushrooms.
Not to be a scrooge or anything.....
I am almost sure that this thread will be sent over to the "Spirituality, Sexuality, and Philosophy" section.

@Finshaggy is always creating threads in Talk N Toke, when they belong in the S, S, & P section.

Like you're an authority on what makes sense! Mr. delusional attention whore himself. shall I tell you where many of your threads belong? hint: rhymes with hash

Then you other retards with your balls, dong and animal abuse pictures.

Merry F you all. cheers