
Well-Known Member
OMG! I just got back from seeing The Dark Knight in Imax. Such a good movie:clap:
Heath Leger did an amazing job as the joker (better than Jack Nicholson) Its really said though, that he passed on... Guess that mean the next movie won't be able to have the joker in it. I just can't see anyone replacing him. I think this movie would have done for him what Pirates of the Caribbean did for Johnny Depp. I give it 4 stars out of five, and thats only cause they couldn't really wrap things up with the joker.

Yes, Heath was a mega star in the making. RIP Heath Leger:cry:


New Member
OMG! I just got back from seeing The Dark Knight in Imax. Such a good movie:clap:
Heath Leger did an amazing job as the joker (better than Jack Nicholson) Its really said though, that he passed on... Guess that mean the next movie won't be able to have the joker in it. I just can't see anyone replacing him. I think this movie would have done for him what Pirates of the Caribbean did for Johnny Depp. I give it 4 stars out of five, and thats only cause they couldn't really wrap things up with the joker.

Yes, Heath was a mega star in the making. RIP Heath Leger:cry:
I saw it in imax as well and liked it. I cant say honestly that this joker was better. He came off to me as johhny depp playing willy wonka playing the joker. Heath had none of the sneer or look of real madness that nicholson was bale to portray. I miss paintings being cut up to prince, or nicholson making "art" with acid.


Well-Known Member
I just kicked a leaf hopper out of my flowering closet,not a little tiny one either a big,fat,honking,green one almost the size of a dime.Im not upset,I didn't kill it just put it outdoors "it was surprisingly easy to catch hehehe",anyway im scratching my head on how in the heck it got in and how did it find that closet?Maybe iv'e had it a while and it just grew to colossal size?:confused:


New Member
I just spent a week up in colorado. There was a dea convention as well as an fbi convention, and local cops were having a class at CSU, and were staying at the hotel. And a hooters corporate party. 2 weddings(1 which the bride got drunk and had the police called). I had my angels read by a random MILF. Wierd hotel.
I also went tubing the poudre, and was attacked and forced to kick ass in the New Belgium parking lot. Wierd ass trip.


Well-Known Member
I just spent a week up in colorado. There was a dea convention as well as an fbi convention, and local cops were having a class at CSU, and were staying at the hotel. And a hooters corporate party. 2 weddings(1 which the bride got drunk and had the police called). I had my angels read by a random MILF. Wierd hotel.
I also went tubing the poudre, and was attacked and forced to kick ass in the New Belgium parking lot. Wierd ass trip.

did you happen to get pics of any of that? :mrgreen: