DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

Hey supraSPL, I couldn't remember if you have ended up with a gram per watt number on the cree cxa3070 only. I can't figure out how to search within a specific thread only.
6 cycles so far. Using recycled organic soil, widely varying CO2 levels, wide variety of clones and seedlings. There are a few XPE reds and Luxeon ES deep reds/blues mixed in, but to be honest I think those are actually dragging my numbers down. Anyway here is what I have so far with CXA3070s at 700-900mA:
1.16gr/W (CXA3070 Z2s and Cree XTE warm whites)
1.17gr/W (CXA3070 Z4s and ABs)
1.39gr/W (CXA3070 ABs with some XPE reds and Luxeon ES blues mixed in)
1.33gr/W (CXA3070 ABs with some XPE reds and Luxeon ES blues mixed in)
1.04gr/W (CXA3070 ABs with some XPE reds and Luxeon ES blues mixed in) grower error, I let the ladies dry out until wilting, 3 times during flowering, a huge no-no for organic soil
1.15gr (CXA3070 ABs with some XPE reds and Luxeon ES blues mixed in)
(upcoming batch was steady 900PPM CO2 and no major grower error this run)

These are not exactly mind blowing numbers, but compared to my HPS results, a great success. My very best 600W HPS numbers were .57gr/W but I averaged about .35gr/W.

The last 2 cycles surprised me being on the low side, but the quality was noticeably higher as well. That may have been related to temperature and CO2 because the highest numbers were during summer. When it is hot and humid I close the windows and run the dehumidifier and AC. That causes the CO2 to rise very quickly. It can reach 2500ppm in a few days unless I ventilate the building (allowing heat and humidity in in the process).
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Thanks. I have a friend using the blackstar? Leds. I told him when he expanded he should look into using these. He asked g/w numbers so was curious. I'll direct him to this post
Is that the fence post design? I was looking at those today, $25 for 4 footers at Lowes. Probably cheaper at Home Depot?
The home depot stores around here don't have square pvc and the website won't sell any to new.

Is there a driver that can push the upper end of the 3070? Is that near 100 watts? Just curious, having a discussion on the cost of these vs panels that are out there on cost per watt
The home depot stores around here don't have square pvc and the website won't sell any to new.

Is there a driver that can push the upper end of the 3070? Is that near 100 watts? Just curious, having a discussion on the cost of these vs panels that are out there on cost per watt
page7image15388 and Binning/ds CXA3070.pdf

Says 45 watts is max for the 3070
Google apparently can't read or break down the data sheet for you...
Max current is 2800ma... and a max voltage of producing around 117w maxed out

It actually never even has the numbers 4 and 5 next to each other outside the order codes.

lol, it does, your adobe reader must work different then mine :P, but i'm not going to doubt on the other you wrote