Some are more equal than others...

Leave it to a libtard to wish for another great depression


Your graph shows highest homeownership rate in 2005, when taxes were lowest, so once again you have proven yourself wrong. You are truly an idiot.

and this excludes any capital gains. sickening isn't it? and dodd frank amendment, too:wink::wink:

take your pick..i tried to make it as remedial as possible.


corporations ARE people. You aren't a PERSON, you HAVE a person..

Its fun trying to explain legal terms to people that have no idea what is being said.

No, corporations are not people, they're corporations

Why would you support the idea that they are people? Have you seen any of the data in this thread? How they buy politicians, then those same politicians go on to cast votes in government that pay back those corporations a hundred fold at your expense?

Yeah, why do you support that?
yes stupid girl i am..not part of the almost to 1%; like you.
You just said that Romney was claiming corporations are people. Romney was just repeating what the supreme court decision was

"Corporate personhood is an American legal concept that a corporation, as a group of people, may be recognized as having some of the same legal rights and responsibilities as an individual."

Do you understand they aren't claiming that corporations are flesh and blood people, they are just saying that Corporations have a person, just as you do.

Corporations are people, but they aren't human beings.
You just said that Romney was claiming corporations are people. Romney was just repeating what the supreme court decision was

"Corporate personhood is an American legal concept that a corporation, as a group of people, may be recognized as having some of the same legal rights and responsibilities as an individual."

Do you understand they aren't claiming that corporations are flesh and blood people, they are just saying that Corporations have a person, just as you do.

Corporations are people, but they aren't human beings.

Go find where 'corporation' fits and get back to me

Go find where 'corporation' fits and get back to me
Pad, you were just bitching about corporations buying politicians (where's the outrage of politicians accepting bribes btw?).

What is doing the buying? is it the brick and mortar? is it the tax codes? is it corporate laws? is it the balance sheet? inventory?

Or is it maybe people who are acting in the interest of? which of course would be in their own interest right?

When you think of Microsoft fighting monopoly laws in congress were you picturing an operating system or Bill Gates?
He is probably just mirroring his own behavior.

It isnt the fault of the politicians that they accept the money and favors. He would do the same thing in their position!!
Whose fault is it?

It is the politicians fault as they were the ones that took an oath of office and swore to uphold and defend the constitution. If they reported bribes rather than accepted them the circle would be broken.

However, politicians are not any more noble than the CEO of a corporation, a movie star, a superstar athelete, etc. They are just people good and bad.