Well-Known Member
Neither of the SSDD have showed sex yet but #2 rooted the fastest by two days coming in at only 7 days! Smells of earth and kerosene.View attachment 3315814
#1 however is the worst of the bunch, gets the wilt quick and doesn't ever come back from it. Smells nothing like #2.
if it's male I'll not be too upset letting go once I collect some pollen. But if it's female I won't be letting go without one hell of a fight.
Anybody have any experience with SSDD's refusing to root? Female? Stellar? Leaning to which parent(s)?
Can't really speak as to the rooting issues, but I can say that out of five or six SSDD females my best was definitely the 'least' vigorous out of the bunch. Very nice christmas tree style growth, just not as hearty as the rest, but I would put the end product up against any elite cut on the market.