Hawaii Growers

In Kula we were always in the clouds in the morning and afternoon. It felt so good to be cold in the morning and evening :) I love living upcountry.
@808newb If your seeds have been stored in a pill container in Hawaii for long periods of time, the humidity might render them useless. I would try germ them in a distilled water and hydrogen peroxide solution at 5% with maybe a slight amount of raw sugar. You may have to gently pop them. Place them in a very airy media. Kalo, was it you who posted that rad link awhile back about germing really old seeds?

I did some research on the subject a few weeks ago and I decided to picked up a few grams of Giberellic Acid on Ebay to try and germ some older stuff that I've been having problems popping. There's a thread somewhere on the subject, and the OP tested a bunch of different methods....a ~200-500ppm GA-3 solution gave him the best results...though I've seen some people say that 5-50ppm is good. The GA-3 was only $6 shipped so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I tried it for the first time last night using a ~250ppm solution to soak overnight...today I moistened a towel with some of the same solution and put them in a ziploc in the dark. One bean had already cracked.

I had to use 4 cups of water to make 250ppm so I just used the extra to experiment on some veggie plants as a foliar spray. I dont plan on using it on cannabis other than germination.

I think my storage methods were not good but now most of my beans are all sealed in mylar bags with dessicants and in the fridge.
Really? Me too, from Kau back to Puna. The weather is so nice at 4,000 ft but dang does it get cold at night.
Yeah, especially this time of year. If I had my way I would live there every Summer. I was on the Kau side of Volcano. The coldest I ever remember there was 28 degrees one morning at about 6am. Brrrrrrr.....
My next project:


Nice christmas trees there...

Met some amazing people cruising in Pahoa village this past weekend. It's been busy down there, hope everyone is ready for the stream of lava.

Happy Holidays everyone
Nice christmas trees there...

Met some amazing people cruising in Pahoa village this past weekend. It's been busy down there, hope everyone is ready for the stream of lava.

Happy Holidays everyone
Looks like it will be here just in time for Christmas.
Not yet! I need to figure out the best way to attach the screen to the curved section. I think I have something figured out.

That cross looks absolutely gorgeous! It needs a shorter name! Blizzard seems appropriate! What does it smell like? Do you have a smoke report?

It is getting cold at night here. The leaves are finally starting to purple. It is also making the LA Confidential smell like cheese!

Got my Herbies order yesterday, but still worried about my WOS order. I ordered from Herbies a few days after my WOS order. I couldn't find the Pure Origin Sativa Collection in stock anywhere and when I sent emails to the tude and Herbies was told they were probably discontinued cause they have been out if stock on that for a while, so I don't know if I messed up by ordering straight from WOS in Spain. Of all beans I've ordered, this is the first one that has went thru customs upon entering the US. Everyone of my other orders have went thru SanFran ISC then straight thru to the destination. This one went thru NYC ISC then inbound to customs. Now it's out and on it's way but don't want to get my hopes up.! On a good note tho, my Ace Tropical Mix has six beans in the 5 pack:rolleyes:
Got my Herbies order yesterday, but still worried about my WOS order. I ordered from Herbies a few days after my WOS order. I couldn't find the Pure Origin Sativa Collection in stock anywhere and when I sent emails to the tude and Herbies was told they were probably discontinued cause they have been out if stock on that for a while, so I don't know if I messed up by ordering straight from WOS in Spain. Of all beans I've ordered, this is the first one that has went thru customs upon entering the US. Everyone of my other orders have went thru SanFran ISC then straight thru to the destination. This one went thru NYC ISC then inbound to customs. Now it's out and on it's way but don't want to get my hopes up.! On a good note tho, my Ace Tropical Mix has six beans in the 5 pack:rolleyes:
They all go thru customs when ordering internationally, but it doesnt always say so on the tracking. I've had a few orders come straight thru SF ISC and some thru NYC, never lost an order yet. I hear if they come thru chicago customs first you are fucked 90% of the time, they really know how to spot tude packages there.
They all go thru customs when ordering internationally, but it doesnt always say so on the tracking. I've had a few orders come straight thru SF ISC and some thru NYC, never lost an order yet. I hear if they come thru chicago customs first you are fucked 90% of the time, they really know how to spot tude packages there.

Yea they came thru...I ordered directly from WoS in Spain cause I couldn't find that collection at Herbies or the tude. On another note the next batch of liberty haze is about done. Fans really helped out this time.
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About three weeks in on my thc bombs and seems very staiva dom...
Happy New Year to everyone!