Club 600

Alright that took me a while LOL, got caught up watching Lucha Underground. So we have a mini sherlock bubbler, I tried it out and am very glad I ordered a Ti domeless topper for it, I dont like dealing with the smallest glass nail in the world. I got a couple or really nice clean rips, but a bit of a hassle for me - big hands - anyhooo I got the mini for trial purposes and already have the feeling a new collection of glass is in my future. I made um thumbnails due to not being frosty porn. Have a great day, night what ever it is for you all, you all are the best bunch of people a recluse like me could ask for. MD
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Hey guys, I'm just gonna say my farewells for a while and take a leave. The forum in general is just filled with too much bs and "know it alls" that just don't know it all and it's just giving me too much of a negative vibe. Love the 600 though, yall keep doing what you're doing. Seems like a lot of good well rounded people in here. I may be back at some point, but I'll miss yall. Keep growing the good stuff.
Does the Pope poop on Catholic bears even if no one is there to hear it?

Fuck, yeah, I dig me some Stanley Clarke!

Still one of my faves of his is "Silly Putty":

And Claypool & Buckethead & friends do a great version, too:

Primus sucks! :-D
Seen them many times at SJSU
I have a friend who has a friend who is a fishing guide on the Sacramento river, and takes the band out every year. Says they are a rowdy bunch.
And everytime I catch a sturgeon(I catch those also Alpha)I think "dad caught a 100lb sturgeon on 20lb test.......i was so danged impressed I had to write this song called fish on!"
I use 65lb power pro though:-D
Hey guys, I'm just gonna say my farewells for a while and take a leave. The forum in general is just filled with too much bs and "know it alls" that just don't know it all and it's just giving me too much of a negative vibe. Love the 600 though, yall keep doing what you're doing. Seems like a lot of good well rounded people in here. I may be back at some point, but I'll miss yall. Keep growing the good stuff.
Wait, whaaaaat? Come on don't bail dude!
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You would be my bestfriend doobs. Bucket head too!? You're like an older version of me lol. Such cool people here. I dig all music really except the new stuff makes me sick a little though. But yeah, I still love bone thugs n harmony and 2pac, don't hate ;)
What....baking soda,baking soda....Sosa,sosa...Molly,molly...
Lol,I feel you,a lot of it is regurgitated none sense..
Ok guys I need some help. My mom just called and she hasn't been sleeping again, grrr I wish she would tell me this shit. Guess her fibromyalgia has really been flaring up so I'm trying to find a couple strains that I know I've seen a few of you guys talk bout.

Blue moonshine and ghost og are supposed to be good. There's lots more but those 2 I know.
Ok guys I need some help. My mom just called and she hasn't been sleeping again, grrr I wish she would tell me this shit. Guess her fibromyalgia has really been flaring up so I'm trying to find a couple strains that I know I've seen a few of you guys talk bout.

Blue moonshine and ghost og are supposed to be good. There's lots more but those 2 I know.

edit. .
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Okay I cleaned up 5 C99 ladies tossed 3 into trash but have the mites dead( 4 left to for tomorrow). I still have them stupid ass fruit flies but I got them kinda under control, but they wont do damage to the plants. The Ghost doesnt give a shit and is doing excellent(amazing strain). I will have to take pics in am tomorrow as I was to busy today. I did clone the tops from the c99's since that was only part on the bad ones worth anything. My breeding tent has showed me a few females so far I think I have allot of males which is great so I can make allot of pollen and breed diff branches on each strain I want to breed will know more in the coming week.
They have some good songs.

Go with the flow and 3's&7‘s are good too
That was the song that blew them up. Well, that song and Dave Grohl drumming on that album.
I had no Idea who their frontman Josh Homme was/where he came from, until I watched one of those foofighters episodes, sonic highways.
Pretty cool shit. And Dave Grohl is the fuckin man!
They're one of my favs nowadays along with Deftones,Chevelle,