Quantum Kush 38% THC?

Yeah, and there are people in the States that would love to be divided too.

Yea, fortunately we fought a war, kicked some ass and the sore losers today live in states that still have economic issues, as well as cultural.

Hopefully with a more educated populace, and reversal of some backwoods thinking, we can continue to progress.
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Hopefully with a more educated populace, and reversal of some backwoods thinking,

**** we can continue to progress. ******


Slowly but surely,

We are becoming less religious
We are becoming more educated
We are becoming less bigoted towards LGBT members
We are moving towards more gender equality
We are moving towards a more inclusive society for non whites.

Slowly but surely. The beat of the progressive drum beats on. Battles aren't won over night and the work is never finished
Like I said before, it's a complicated chess game. This is how you fuck over a country that plays outside the rules.

Bloomberg noted that the Ruble sank 19 percent today, "with a surprise interest-rate increase failing to stem a run on the currency.” At one point during the day, the ruble sank to 80 on the dollar.

"The White House also told Bloomberg that it will not let up on sanctions that are partly influencing the ruble's instability, and it said that it intends to keep squeezing the Russian economy in a bid to get Russian president Vladimir Putin to pull back from its outposts in Ukraine. "The combination of a 49 percent plunge in oil prices and punitive sanctions by the U.S. and European Union has Russia grappling with its worst economic crisis since the 1998 default," Bloomberg wrote. "Russians are rushing to convert their money into dollars and buy durable goods amid concerns over hyperinflation and possible government currency controls and investors are withdrawing cash en masse.""
I do like you Amos, said as much to you before. For some reason, I must have crossed some line I'm unaware of that ticked you off.
Well one would hope that a country of 1 billion would have a larger economy than 330 million.

Technically as the article points out, they are still behind. Plus one must remember that China had currency manipulation issues and a growth rate which has to be at 8% or so otherwise the country risks an economic downfall.
Well the post I was going to respond to was deleted (rightfully so), I do wonder why Amos has so much hate in his heart. For a self professing Christian, surely these viewpoints are against the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Well the post I was going to respond to was deleted (rightfully so), I do wonder why Amos has so much hate in his heart. For a self professing Christian, surely these viewpoints are against the teachings of Jesus Christ.

And what particular teachings would they be, oh man of faith? :fire:

Does this guy subscribe to them?
