It's a bad week for Russians


Well-Known Member
btw, ginwilly, make sure to bring up gruber a few more times and then bemoan partisan politics.

ya know, just in case anyone doubts your level of mental retardation.

MiG pilot

Well-Known Member
the majority in that fucked up country have no access to uncensored news, and their drunk most of the time,
That is not true. What makes you think that? I am an ordinary citizen, I live in Moscow and have access to all information sources. How else could I be here? Who among us sacrifice one-sided propaganda?


Well-Known Member
Makes no sense. What happened?
The CBR (Central bank of Russia) lifted Mark to Market provisions. i.e. their markets are now more honest than the US markets.
CBR also raised interest rates to 17% on 5 year bonds (that some damn good return) and Russia has 6.5% backing of entire Ruble market with foreign reserves. US Fed has 1.6% backing. RCB also has 1,149 TONS of gold on its asset sheet, the US Fed has NONE.

USA is in decline. These kind of wars, sanctions and market shenanigans are the tell tale sign of a country about ready to roll over. It will take years for it all to unfold, we still have a pretty kick ass military, but financially we are in terrible shape.


Well-Known Member
The CBR (Central bank of Russia) lifted Mark to Market provisions. i.e. their markets are now more honest than the US markets.
CBR also raised interest rates to 17% on 5 year bonds (that some damn good return) and Russia has 6.5% backing of entire Ruble market with foreign reserves. US Fed has 1.6% backing. RCB also has 1,149 TONS of gold on its asset sheet, the US Fed has NONE.

USA is in decline. These kind of wars, sanctions and market shenanigans are the tell tale sign of a country about ready to roll over. It will take years for it all to unfold, we still have a pretty kick ass military, but financially we are in terrible shape.
Yep, our hope is we outlive the dollar. If it collapses in our lifetime we are screwed.

It's no long an if, but a when. The pound is our history lesson. I'm sure the central banks will put mattresses down for a soft landing though.


Well-Known Member
Yep, our hope is we outlive the dollar. If it collapses in our lifetime we are screwed.

It's no long an if, but a when. The pound is our history lesson. I'm sure the central banks will put mattresses down for a soft landing though.
All fiat currencies end, there has never been one that survived. The corruption to use a printing press to solve problems has been used so many times, media has to soften us up slowly over time to gradually accept all these worse paying jobs, shitty healthcare insurance, the end of overtime, less freedoms, more power for the wealthy...I could fill a hundred pages with some of the things that have slowly turned up the temperature on our froggy asses in the boiling pot. The Fed reserve act, Going off the gold standard in 1971, The end of silver as money in 1965, debasement of coin, the end of the copper penny in 1981. The nickle is the only coin that actually still has any good metal in it.

Bad money will always push good money out of the market. I remember when every quarter in my hand was 90% silver and each one bought me a gallon of gasoline. Candy bar at the store was a nickle. Now I got slugs and it takes 11 of them to buy a gallon of gas and 5 of them to buy that same Hershey bar.