LED Companies w/ LINKS

Apple makes some beautiful hardware and has great support for it but you pay a huge premium for it,that's why Apple is the most profitable hardware company on the planet. They also put out a lot of crap software,apps and services that are much better done by other companies.
The last four recent system updates still have my iPad buggy. This and an older iPod are the only Apple products I will ever own. Everything they roll out is behind everyone else's tech as far as what they could have done.
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The last four recent system updates still have my iPad buggy. This and an older iPod are the only Apple products I will ever own. Everything they roll out is behind everyone else's tech as far as what they could have done.

yeah, especially their mobile cpus. they are like LIGHTYEARS behind the others. look how they are all crushing the A8X:


oh, i forgot, it's the other way around. the others haven't even released a 64bit answer and apple is on it's second generation already. clearly they are behind everyone else. /s
yeah, especially their mobile cpus. they are like LIGHTYEARS behind the others. look how they are all crushing the A8X:


oh, i forgot, it's the other way around. the others haven't even released a 64bit answer and apple is on it's second generation already. clearly they are behind everyone else. /s

Yes yes they make beautiful hardware and they have boat loads of cash from the apple fanboys that will wait in lines for days to get one of their products. With that cash they have bought many companies,including a chip business and fingerprint reading business. And it's quite impressive that a 2 month old full sized tablet with a next gen processor from apple can beat the snot out of a discontinued 7" tablet with a dated processor,or maybe not. It's pretty funny how the fanboys run to apples defense if anything that's not positive is said,they act like you just called their mother a whore. And by the way,Jobs is no saint. He was a ruthless businessman,a tyrant and bully who even cheated his own founding partner the Woz,who by the way is a real genius.
When Supra ran the original #'s on the cree cxa cobs in his closed thread! we knew that they would be a game changer no doubt.

The new GN fixture is not IMO...........betting the farm on the rebel series, plus PMMA lens(es) can't hide behind fancy driver/cooling tech

Doesn't matter really as the European autoflower growers will eat it up regardless:wink: I'm betting the old apollo panel with the upgraded modules puts out better readings overall. I'm a terrible gambler though.....

Edit.............looks like supra's thread is back! weird , thought it was locked for some odd reason
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You guzzled the kool-aid homey.

When you buy an apple you pay a premium for status and the slickest marketing money can buy.

I bought a faster machine and flew to nyc last april for what a macbook pro would have cost me. :-?

yeah, especially their mobile cpus. they are like LIGHTYEARS behind the others. look how they are all crushing the A8X:


oh, i forgot, it's the other way around. the others haven't even released a 64bit answer and apple is on it's second generation already. clearly they are behind everyone else. /s
You guzzled the kool-aid homey.

When you buy an apple you pay a premium for status and the slickest marketing money can buy.

I bought a faster machine and flew to nyc last april for what a macbook pro would have cost me. :-?

typical windows user who doesn't get it. i want the complete system, where all my devices work together without any problem, that's the convenience factor that's worth the premium for me (at least). but enough of apple, back on topic...
Apple - For less educated users that just want a finished complete product without any hassle.

Everything else - For the power user that wants customization and knows what the hell they're doing. It's that simple.
Best thing about the new GN unit might be the diffuser it seems to create a very uniform light spread and with different angles available it makes customization of beam easy for your setup. Hope other light companies steal / are inspired by it.
I liked the original topic better :)
Hilarious. It's amusing that it's always the rabid anti-Apple crowd subconsiously projecting their insecurities onto the very Apple products that they don't even own. Who cares? If you don't see the value in something, just don't buy it and move on. Problem solved. I drive a Toyota. I couldn't give two shits about the dude in a Nissan. And now, back to the topic at hand ( or not)
Hilarious. It's amusing that it's always the rabid anti Nissan crowd subconsiously projecting their insecurities onto the very Nisan products that they don't even own. Who cares? If you don't see the value in something, just don't buy it and move on. Problem solved. I drive a Nissan. I couldn't give two shits about the dude in a Toyota. And now, back to the topic at hand ( or not)
Toyotas suck:)
Pretty funny how the rabid Apple fanboys always have to have the last word,even after the brief set of comments had died down and people had moved on. They always seem to point out that we're too dumb or insecure to understand Apple,but maybe we're too smart to fall for slick advertising like sheep.
Jobs took mushrooms to inspire his ideas. That alone = win.

I edited this post because it was so harsh, but someone quoted it so read on!
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Jobs took mushrooms to inspire his ideas. That alone = win.
Apply has ALWAYS been ahead of IBM. Billy Gates bought out DOS for cheap, then developed Windows by copying Apple's operating system. Apple has had very tight legal controls, while IBM somehow let clones in and duplicate their hardware. This enabled Microsoft to become huge. Billy Boy Gates is no genius by any means, he was at the right place at the right time. He is smart, but not a game changer like Jobs, not even close.

Gates is like the inevitable zit that will appear on a teenagers face after eating greasy food. I'm sure the zit worked really hard to build up pus and inflammation, but the zit is a result of the pizza, eaten by the teen, not the result of visionary work. Hence the reason why I haven't paid for that shysters operating shit in years.

Sounds like you've been guzzling the kool-aid. Game changer? Did Apple invent the PC,MP3 player,smart phone,tablet or the coming smart watch? No. Was he a ruthless business man and tyrant who would even screw his own partner? Yes. Did he do much charitable work because he had so much and gave a shit about anybody but himself? No. Apple makes quality hardware but software has not been their strength,their biggest strength to me appears to be marketing and style. This stuff is all just tools and I buy stuff that I can use the way I want to which may not be what the maker wanted,not because it's cool. I'm not into hero worship either but it sounds like you are. My suggestion would be to aim a little higher on who you pick unless power and money does it for you.