12-13-14 is todays date!


I was thinking about your prophecies while I drove cross country. Especially the one about making it so that more people can go to the beach by vaporizing a one mile channel every ten miles. I was picturing crossing a one mile long bridge every ten miles. And under these bridges would be a one mile sea channel.

I believe I said that maybe in the future, if My GLOBAL ONLINE GOVERNMENT dictated, we can create ocean channels ever 100 miles, so no one will be more then an hours drive from the ocean or beach. Also, the ocean channel could be any distance wide, i.e., maybe some areas will want their ocean channel to be 1 mile wide, while another area might want it to be 10 miles wide, whatever.

But it needs to be at sea level or it will be dry. So one of these would have to be about a mile deep near Denver.

Yes, I understand that water innately travels down, so these ocean channels would have to be below sea level. If one day, My SOLAR LASER(S) are built, it would be easy to carve out a mile or more of rock. The SOLAR LASERS will have the nuclear power from a star, so it will have the working power of thousands of nuclear bombs, but in a laser that is directed from the sky.

You do realize that would be an engineering feat that would make the Panama Canal look like a drainage ditch, right?

I plan on making todays technology look like naught. We just need to work smarter, and let the tools do the work. But, yes, I plan on terraforming this world into a paradise, through My Testament.

By my calculations, your prophecy is to vaporize 19% of the surface area of the country - so more people can go to the beach.

So, as I said, instead of every 10 miles, I believe I said every 100 miles, so you are off by a factor of 10. So, instead of carving 19% of the continents, maybe My SOLAR LASER will only carve 1.9%? And how did you make this calculation, anyways?

Do you have any idea what the environmental consequences of vaporizing that much matter into the atmosphere would be?

No, I have no notion. But, I am sure that instead of "vaporizing" the rocks, My SOLAR LASERS will be able to just melt the rocks: maybe on a less powerful setting. Melting rocks, or earth, will not put anything in the air, I would imagine.

Do you realize that every river, stream and creek would drain into the ocean depriving us of fresh water?

No, I would make hemp bridges for all the rivers, streams, etc.. The ocean channels would be much lower than the rivers and streams, so it would be easy to make a hemp bridge. I believe I already said this online? But, yes, I have plans for keeping the integrity of the fresh water bodies.

Do you know how much of an expenditure of resources that millions of mile long bridges would be?

It would be quite the endeavor. But, I would just legalize hemp (and marijuana), and as the King of the world, I would grow millions of square miles of hemp. Hemp plastic would be so cheap that building bridges wouldn't put a dent in the global budget. Plus, I am sure that building all this infrastructure would employ millions of people with excelent paying jobs. I would preform the bridges at factories, and then fly them into place via helicopters and/or SPACE JETS. I would also drop houses into place this way, too.

How about making plastic bubbles undersea in order to grow cannabis? Did it occur to you that if the conditions in a region are right to grow things that something else might be growing there? Like coral reefs? And you want to turn it into a suburb? Do you think this is wise?

No, I would not destroy coral reefs. But, you are talking about My notion of rotating SPACE BALL ABODES. The ocean is so huge that I wouldn't need to destroy habitat. I would actually farm new coral reefs for the sea life, and this would benifit everyone. But, yes, I believe its a wonderful notion to colonize the ocean, but there still will be sea reservations in order to maintain that balance. Imagine that one of your abodes is underwater: you can look out your window to see sea turtles, dolphins, whales, lobsters, and almost any kind of fish. I would love to have an underwater abode.

And did it occur to you that people might not like living underground? Where is the housing shortage that makes this ridiculous idea worthwhile?

I am talking about future prospects. In My global online government, I am going to pay parents for raising their children. So that is going to be an incentive for people to have many children. I believe people are a blessing, and if there is enough for billions of mansions underground, let the people breed. I expect in My Kingdom, the population will explode, because of the super abundance. I believe everyone is a god, so let the gods have fun.

Now I am just going from memory here from one of the countless threads that this has occupied - and I will not watch your videos because, damn.

If you don't watch My videos of Myself, you may never see how I talk, My prophecies, My Life story, etc..

But, where else did I talk about these things? I don't recall talking about these things for a while now, but I am glad that I did. Thanks for bringing it up.

But I gotta ask. What distinguishes your prophecies from the deep thoughts of a high school sophomore with an interest in science fiction for a creative writing class? Are they the Christs too?

Good question...

But, no, just because someone might know prophecies, it doesn't make them the Christ. But it might make them a prophet if they know enough novel solutions to the worlds problems. I am the Christ by default, in My opinion. It seems as though I was fated to be the Christ, in retrospect. Sure, there can be many prophets, but there can only be one Christ- Myself. I hope that everyone is smart, because no one wants to be stupid.

Wow, these were all GREAT QUESTIONS! And I am super glad that you brought it to My memory. I am stoked that you have a passion for science, and My prophecies! I enjoy debating about these things, thanks again!

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Okay, I believe I am all done editing My last post.

Now, I want to hear from you guys.

Any more questions?

We had a rare tornado in Los Angeles yesterday and today
the LAPD had a gun disposal going on.
You turn in guns or rifles and you get a $100 gift card and $200
for assault rifles. In the past 5 years just over 13,000 arms were
disposed of and out of the hands of criminals.
3 days ago FBI and LAPD did a gang sweep and arrested about
300 gang members and confiscated guns also. Good job!

Only law biding citizens turn them in.
Also that is the best place to buy guns on the cheap. Just walk up down the line offering cash.
Why waste your time with solar lasers when you can build a time machine? A time machine would solve way more problems initially, and your underground mansions and hemp farms could then be created instantly (obviously by using your time machine to go back in time and building said underground mansions and hemp farms).

Come to think of it, you should probably start farming some hemp first. Mr Fusion works best with hemp.

So first hemp, then time machine, then solar lasers, then underground mansions, then more hemp, then scorched earth to make space for land ocean channels. Finally, hemp bridges.

SunnyJim for President of your Online Government.

How do you figure I went "FULL RETARD"?

I assume you're just joking, but there is a thing called POES Law. Go look up "POES Law" if you don't know what I'm talking about...

Actually, I will just give you the link.

Give Me a minute to edit...


Poe's law, named after its author Nathan Poe,[1] is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that, without a clear indication of the author's intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.[2]


How do you figure I went "FULL RETARD"?

I assume you're just joking, but there is a thing called POES Law. Go look up "POES Law" if you don't know what I'm talking about...

Actually, I will just give you the link.

Give Me a minute to edit...


Poe's law, named after its author Nathan Poe,[1] is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that, without a clear indication of the author's intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.[2]


Thanks for sharing that C-man. And excellent job so far on presenting an example.
How do you figure I went "FULL RETARD"?

I assume you're just joking, but there is a thing called POES Law. Go look up "POES Law" if you don't know what I'm talking about...

Actually, I will just give you the link.

Give Me a minute to edit...


Poe's law, named after its author Nathan Poe,[1] is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that, without a clear indication of the author's intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.[2]


You're making it real hard for me to be nice to you. You're like the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, the entire world knows he's full of shit but he doesn't.

I was being sarcastic when I said you should post all your videos and facts again, we've all seen it, many times. No one cares, your ideas suck. Humans are not gonna use some imaginary laser beams to cut up our land so there will be beaches everywhere. That's the most retarded thing I've read on here in a long time. You're approaching finshaggy level.

you should make this your avatar
Last edited:
You're making it real hard for me to be nice to you. You're like the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, the entire world knows he's full of shit but he doesn't.

I was being sarcastic when I said you should post all your videos and facts again, we've all seen it, many times. No one cares, your ideas suck. Humans are not gonna use some imaginary laser beams to cut up our land so there will be beaches everywhere. That's the most retarded thing I've read on here in a long time. You're approaching finshaggy level.

you should make this your avatar


P.S. I still like you, Dyna Ryder.

So where are we on the time machine? I can help with the designs. Also, because I'm a Messiah (but a real one), I rewrite the laws of physics if need be. I promise I'll help with the development of the laser beams after we get the time machine up and running.
Its not just because I have myraid prophecies that make Me the Christ.

The copious amount of prophecies that I have only show that I am the Prophet.

I have many other reasons why I believe I am the Christ, besides My prophecies.

Anyone with an accurate imagination can become a prophet. Being a prophet only means that you can accurately depict or see the future.

I wish there were many more prophets, because prophets can help the whole world. Some "prophets" are false prophets, and are good for nothing.

A prophet should be able to create novel, plausible notions that will change the world for the best.

I am not the only Prophet, but I am the only Christ.

Besides Myself, I don't know any prophets, but I am sure some scientists are inadvertant prophets.

So, there can be many prophets, but only one Christ- Myself.

I am a prophet :)
Why waste your time with solar lasers when you can build a time machine? A time machine would solve way more problems initially, and your underground mansions and hemp farms could then be created instantly (obviously by using your time machine to go back in time and building said underground mansions and hemp farms).

Come to think of it, you should probably start farming some hemp first. Mr Fusion works best with hemp.

So first hemp, then time machine, then solar lasers, then underground mansions, then more hemp, then scorched earth to make space for land ocean channels. Finally, hemp bridges.

SunnyJim for President of your Online Government.

Science has yet to create a time machine.

But it is possible to move FORWARD into the future, if you can travel close to the speed of light. But, science has yet to discover a way to travel BACKWARDS into the past.

Hypothetically, even if science did discover a way to travel backwards into the past, it might create paradoxes. For example, if you traveled into the past, and prevented your parents from ever meeting, how would you ever come into existence? Hence paradoxes for time traveling into the past.

But, theoretically, its possible to travel into the future. Einstein talked about that in the theory of relativity. You just need to travel close to the speed of light, in order to do some real time traveling.

As far as Presidents go, in My Kingdom, there will only be public speakers that will have the same exact voting power as compared to any voter. Even if I am the King of the world, I will only be able to have the same voting power as compared to any other voter. But, as a public speaker, you will have a lot of influence to bias people into believing in your ideaology, and then get other people to vote as you. I believe this is fair.

Public speakers should be eelected by My global online government. So if you were elected, then you will be able to influence many people.

But, you're on the right track with this post. I like how your mind works. Keep dreaming, believing, and thinking critically.

Hypothetically, even if science did discover a way to travel backwards into the past, it might create paradoxes. For example, if you traveled into the past, and prevented your parents from ever meeting, how would you ever come into existence? Hence paradoxes for time traveling into the past.

In Chaos Theory, this is known as the Butterfly Effect. The only way round it is to avoid butterflies when going back in time.

I like the way you think, too. You'll make a fine disciple.
Thanks for sharing that C-man. And excellent job so far on presenting an example.

Hows the time traveling going, Sativied?

I am just curious: what is My reputation like in the distant future? Am I considered the Prophet- the Christ- the King- the Savior- the Messiah- the Lord- etc.?

How many people follow My novel Spirituality after I die?

What do people believe in the distant future?

Thanks ;-)
