It's a bad week for Russians


Well-Known Member
Russian Central Bank Raises Key Rate to 17% from 10.5%
Russia's Central Bank, in a bid to stem a sharp decline in the ruble, raised its key interest rate to 17% from 10.5%.

Earlier Monday, Russia's currency lost more than one-tenth of its value, collapsing to a record low and raising fears that the Kremlin wouldn't be able to stop the slide as the price for oil, its main export, also continued to fall.


Well-Known Member
The US is behind the crash in oil prices, meaning that 'drill, baby, drill!' has more geopolitical consequences than first imagined.

Producing our own cheap energy will boost our economy and make us less vulnerable to the demands of those who sell us energy.

It will badly hurt Putin's thugocracy and it will dampen the enthusiasm of many other oil soaked dictatorships. Cheap oil might lead to more peace.


Well-Known Member
The US is behind the crash in oil prices, meaning that 'drill, baby, drill!' has more geopolitical consequences than first imagined.

Producing our own cheap energy will boost our economy and make us less vulnerable to the demands of those who sell us energy.

It will badly hurt Putin's thugocracy and it will dampen the enthusiasm of many other oil soaked dictatorships. Cheap oil might lead to more peace.
Or a s**tload more wars...


Well-Known Member
One thug sticking up for another one.
It may be hard to admit. But this was while Kerry was begging for support to "strategically bomb a little" Syria.

With hindsight now, who would you say had a better read on the situation? Our Sec of State Kerrry or Putin?


Well-Known Member
Putin fucked up, and the Russians are too fucking drunk to realize it.Their hate will grow towards the US because McDonalds is closed, even though it is the EU that is turning more screws. This is fucked up, because the majority in that fucked up country have no access to uncensored news, and their drunk most of the time, so who knows, maybe some drunk pilot will fly a plane to Newark and attack, like in Dr. Strangelove. Anyway, what happens in that nation full of drunks means shit to me. Merry xmas.


Well-Known Member
It may be hard to admit. But this was while Kerry was begging for support to "strategically bomb a little" Syria.

With hindsight now, who would you say had a better read on the situation? Our Sec of State Kerrry or Putin?
Putin should have cut loose Assad, but he didn't, because he hates the US, and that "nigger" in the White House probably more (I am paraphrasing). Obama thinks he can have both a Syria without Assad, and control ISIS. Both are assholes, that are in the process of fucking up the entire planet. GW Bush opened the gates of hell when he invaded Iraq, who would have thunk that most of the Muslim world would go jihad over American actions in the Middle East. I did, and most everyone else except the fucking Republicans. Funny, in a macabre way, how Republicans managed to fuck the entire world up, not just the US.


Well-Known Member
Putin should have cut loose Assad, but he didn't, because he hates the US, and that "nigger" in the White House probably more (I am paraphrasing). Obama thinks he can have both a Syria without Assad, and control ISIS. Both are assholes, that are in the process of fucking up the entire planet. GW Bush opened the gates of hell when he invaded Iraq. Who would have thunk that most of the Muslim world would go jihad over American actions in the Middle East. I did, and most everyone else except the fucking Republicans. Funny, in a macabre way, how Republicans managed to fuck the entire world up, not just the US.

Holy crap at the knots you have to tie yourself into to deflect blame from present leadership.


Well-Known Member
Putin should have cut loose Assad, but he didn't, because he hates the US, and that "nigger" in the White House probably more (I am paraphrasing). Obama thinks he can have both a Syria without Assad, and control ISIS. Both are assholes, that are in the process of fucking up the entire planet. GW Bush opened the gates of hell when he invaded Iraq. Who would have thunk that most of the Muslim world would go jihad over American actions in the Middle East. I did, and most everyone else except the fucking Republicans. Funny, in a macabre way, how Republicans managed to fuck the entire world up, not just the US.
And a Jihadist just killed 2 hostages in a chocolate shoppe in Australia for all their war crimes.... Oh wait.

If I was motivated I could provide you a list of all the hundreds of countries that have been the target of terrorist attacks but you wouldnt get the reference...

They are going to try to kill us either way because we dont worship their god....


Well-Known Member
Putin should have cut loose Assad, but he didn't, because he hates the US, and that "nigger" in the White House probably more (I am paraphrasing). Obama thinks he can have both a Syria without Assad, and control ISIS. Both are assholes, that are in the process of fucking up the entire planet. GW Bush opened the gates of hell when he invaded Iraq, who would have thunk that most of the Muslim world would go jihad over American actions in the Middle East. I did, and most everyone else except the fucking Republicans. Funny, in a macabre way, how Republicans managed to fuck the entire world up, not just the US.
In this case they had help from democrats who voted for the Resolution to go to war in Iraq. The reason I wont vote for Hillary CLinton. She knew Hussein was no threat to the USA but voted for political reasons.


Well-Known Member
And a Jihadist just killed 2 hostages in a chocolate shoppe in Australia for all their war crimes.... Oh wait.

If I was motivated I could provide you a list of all the hundreds of countries that have been the target of terrorist attacks but you wouldnt get the reference...

They are going to try to kill us either way because we dont worship their god....
It's still Bush's fault though.


Well-Known Member

Holy crap at the knots you have to tie yourself into to deflect blame from present leadership.
No knots at all. GW and his cronies lied to make the Congress vote for the attack on Iraq. Iraq was in a somewhat political stable state ( OK, Saddam wasn't that nice a guy) . This brought to the forefront the divisions between the Shia and the Sunni in Iraq, and it has spread Ever since those two groups have been hacking at each other, and now you have ISIS killing every Shite they can get their hands on. Is there a connection? I think so.


Well-Known Member
Things are gonna get tough for them people
but not as tough as the western media tycoons
would have you believe
are their ass sucking believlists?


Well-Known Member
No knots at all. GW and his cronies lied to make the Congress vote for the attack on Iraq. Iraq was in a somewhat political stable state ( OK, Saddam wasn't that nice a guy) . This brought to the forefront the divisions between the Shia and the Sunni in Iraq, and it has spread Ever since those two groups have been hacking at each other, and now you have ISIS killing every Shite they can get their hands on. Is there a connection? I think so.
This is satire, but try to argue against it.

Keep playing the partisan game though, it's really helping....