Sweaty nights and well flushed cannabis


Hello guys !

I sometimes tend to have sweaty nights. Like i woke up and the whole matress is wet :oops: hate it. Living in Quebec, it's cold (like REALLY cold) in winter and no boyfriend to heat me bouhou !

Also when this happens, the ash from the pot i smoke are dark almost black, just like pot that wasn't well flushed. Is it me or there's a direct link between the 2 ?

I think it's my body who is eliminating the toxic nutrients from the smoke.
Can you please share your though about it?

Thank you :P

Hello guys !

I sometimes tend to have sweaty nights. Like i woke up and the whole matress is wet :oops: hate it. Living in Quebec, it's cold (like REALLY cold) in winter and no boyfriend to heat me bouhou !

Also when this happens, the ash from the pot i smoke are dark almost black, just like pot that wasn't well flushed. Is it me or there's a direct link between the 2 ?

I think it's my body who is eliminating the toxic nutrients from the smoke.
Can you please share your though about it?

Thank you :P

are u male or female?
just wondering
i bet you wrap yourself too tight at night with a bunch of blankets. you over heat and sweat. happened to me till i figured it out. on really cold nights wear long sleeve shirt, should fix the problem.
I sweat out at night pretty often, usually its my body fighting alittle bug / germ, having three kids there is always someone with a cold or sickness.
I find I dont get real sick often, the sweating burns most out of me. If I do get the flu bug, I sweat most nights during it. How I figured it out over the years.

Yeah, turn your heat down at night or loose some blankets, I get those night sweats if I have too many covers on. On the pot, this time of year you're probably running into a lot of outdoor that wasn't dried or cured properly, find a better dealer/grower ;)