Well-Known Member
Ya or "Plates" after you rock it upWhat are bakin soda 'sheets' is that some crck reference?
buncha whitney houstons.
E. st. louisesl?
Ya or "Plates" after you rock it upWhat are bakin soda 'sheets' is that some crck reference?
buncha whitney houstons.
E. st. louisesl?
Good to hear newf......hell no i wouldn't touch that shit i know i'd never stop
Illinois side but I can spit and I'm almost there..The laws suck in both states I think we took the cake this year being ranked 50!!! In fact TIME magazine did an article on judicial hell hole's in us and top 3 all belonged to Illinois unfortunately I live in one of them.Good to hear newf......
Whodat....is that where you're from Missouri?
ignore the ignorant,,,,positivity creates happinessi try to stay positive but theres too many ignorant bastards around
I been in shit enviroments,,,,long term,,,maybe my fault,,maybe not,,,your own mindset is what keeps you sane,,in control,,,do not let anyone,or thing get in your head,,,,I did crack for 25 years,,,of my 47 years alive,,and one day decided,,,I don't like this anymore,,quit on my own,,,got a girl started getting ahead,,and staying ahead,,,I work outside in Canada,,it sucks,,,smokin hot ,,freezin cold,,rainin,,,windy,,,now I just drink beer and smoke pot,,,,and let noone bother me,,,I just wrote off 2 long time friends,,,cuz I found out they were assclowns,,,,out with the old,,,stick with good people,,and good times,,,stay positive,,,it does a world of goodthe fact that i got to deal with that shit every single day is the main reason for my god damned anxiety, i do ignore them but it stills bums me out.
i need to move i think its just this god damn town
regular smoke is good,,,chemical bad smoke,,,no good,,,are we talking smokes or pot or hardersmoking is really bad too, i'm never gonna be able to quit that shit, i know im not
regular smoke is good,,,chemical bad smoke,,,no good,,,are we talking smokes or pot or harder
Keep on Growin
started at 9,,,,had an older cousin,,,still smoke today,,,have a morning hack,,,can't always make it through a commercial joint(always do on my stuff),,,need to quit smokes,,it usually takes a stroke heart atttack or we gotta say fuck it,,meth crack coke heroin speed ,,,bin there ,,,Fuck Thatlol weed would be that last thing i'd call shit i'll love weed forever, talking about smoking cigs started when i was 12
I've been after smoking meth, snorting a few pills and snorting a bitta coke gonna make sure i stay away from all that
suppose i'll have a few drinks of poison once again, even though i said wouldn't touch liquor for a month lol after friday night, ugh two tastes into my drink and my body is saying "oh fuck, not again"