12-13-14 is todays date!

Yes sir I watched.

also, I think I broke my big toe dirt biking today, can you please pray to your father for me?

I don't pray to My father...

My fathers name is Nuno.

But, I know what you mean: you want Me to pray to "Father God", yes?

Sure, I will pray for you. Here goes nothing...

Dear Father God, if You even exist: I am asking You to heal My friend Dyna Ryders big toe. Please send Dyna the correct medical attention, so he can heal as soon as possible. I don't believe anything can be done for a broken toe, but I pray that Dyna Ryder gets put on the best pain medication, so he won't have to suffer. Please answer My petition O Lord, if you actually exist. Thank You O Lord.

Prayer is rather futile, but it seems to help some people.

I am skeptical of some omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, Almighty God, that can telepathically hear prayers. I normally don't pray, because I don't believe anyone can hear My thoughts.

Anyways, good luck with your toe, Dyna Ryder.

But I gotta ask. What distinguishes your prophecies from the deep thoughts of a high school sophomore with an interest in science fiction for a creative writing class? Are they the Christs too?

If you throw enough shit at a wall, eventually some of it will stick. It's the law of averages - come up with 100 'prophesies' and 10 might actually happen, at which point you can claim to be Christ. Messiah Creation 101.
If you throw enough shit at a wall, eventually some of it will stick. It's the law of averages - come up with 100 'prophesies' and 10 might actually happen, at which point you can claim to be Christ. Messiah Creation 101.

Its not just because I have myraid prophecies that make Me the Christ.

The copious amount of prophecies that I have only show that I am the Prophet.

I have many other reasons why I believe I am the Christ, besides My prophecies.

Anyone with an accurate imagination can become a prophet. Being a prophet only means that you can accurately depict or see the future.

I wish there were many more prophets, because prophets can help the whole world. Some "prophets" are false prophets, and are good for nothing.

A prophet should be able to create novel, plausible notions that will change the world for the best.

I am not the only Prophet, but I am the only Christ.

Besides Myself, I don't know any prophets, but I am sure some scientists are inadvertant prophets.

So, there can be many prophets, but only one Christ- Myself.

You don't believe a lot of the bible? I thought you were some bible thumping nut ball, now I like you.. i believe the romans are hiding so much from us

That is correct, I am not "some bible thumping nut ball."

Nowadays, the only time I quote the Bible is when I am showing a parallel to My Life.

And even if I quote the Bible to show how I believe I have paralled the Bible, it doesn't mean that I believe that that Bible verse happened in Biblical times.

What do you believe Rome is hiding from us? Are you talking about the Vatacan?

uh, what?

What don't you understand?

Am I not speaking plain English?

Anyone that can accurately predict the future on many occasions is a prophet by My definition.

I can show you the definition of the word "prophet" if you would like.

How would YOU define a prophet?

What don't you understand?

Am I not speaking plain English?

Anyone that can accurately predict the future on many occasions is a prophet by My definition.

I can show you the definition of the word "prophet" if you would like.

How would YOU define a prophet?

Just because you are speaking English doesn't mean you make sense. Accurate imagination? In the sense you are using it, it is meaningless.

I don't define prophet. if you were the Christ, I would not care. I have just risen to this bait because it has become tedious.

The long and the short of it is that if you are a decent person and do good things - I'm cool with ya. But your so called prophecies need more work. They do not sound like a positive thing.
I shouldn't take the bait, but every time @Nevaeh420 capitalizes the possessive pronouns in a sentence where he is either the subject or the object, it irks me. In doing so, he's referring to himself as God. Douchery of the highest order.
I don't pray to My father...

My fathers name is Nuno.

But, I know what you mean: you want Me to pray to "Father God", yes?

Sure, I will pray for you. Here goes nothing...

Dear Father God, if You even exist: I am asking You to heal My friend Dyna Ryders big toe. Please send Dyna the correct medical attention, so he can heal as soon as possible. I don't believe anything can be done for a broken toe, but I pray that Dyna Ryder gets put on the best pain medication, so he won't have to suffer. Please answer My petition O Lord, if you actually exist. Thank You O Lord.

Prayer is rather futile, but it seems to help some people.

I am skeptical of some omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, Almighty God, that can telepathically hear prayers. I normally don't pray, because I don't believe anyone can hear My thoughts.

Anyways, good luck with your toe, Dyna Ryder.

Mahalo brah, my toe feels better today, maybe you are the Christ after all....
I shouldn't take the bait, but every time @Nevaeh420 capitalizes the possessive pronouns in a sentence where he is either the subject or the object, it irks me. In doing so, he's referring to himself as God. Douchery of the highest order.

No, not God...

I bet you cannot quote Me claiming to be God.

I am simply claiming to be the personal Christ, etc.. I am a person. I am not some supernatural miracle working God.

Jesus is known as the Christ to the Christians, and the Bible capitalized Jesus' possessive pronouns: so why can't I do the same thing?

I am not saying that I am better than anyone, because I am the least of these. Sure, I am good at certain things, but I am not claiming to be the smartest person in the world: I am not even close to be the smartest person in the world.

I bet that if everyone in the whole world read about Me, most people would consider Me a Prophet, and maybe a greater Prophet compared to Jesus.

Compare Me to Jesus, and let Me know what you learned.

No, not God...

I bet you cannot quote Me claiming to be God.

I don't need to find a quote of you claiming to be God. You're capitalizing the possessive pronoun 'Me' in the above sentence. The rules of English grammar dictate that this practice is reserved for references to God. You either know this, which is why you're doing it, or you're unwittingly bastardizing the language.

Which is it?
The rules of English grammar dictate that this practice is reserved for references to God.

I thought that God, the Holy Spirit, and Christ have the ability to capitalize their pronouns?

I am not claiming to be God, but I am claiming to be the Christ, so that is why I capitalize My possessive pronouns.

I am sorry if that offends you.

Mahalo brah, my toe feels better today, maybe you are the Christ after all....

No, I am not claiming to be a supernatural miracle working Christ.

But, I did say a prayer for you ;-)

I am 100% human like everyone else. I am sure that My prayers are just as effective as anyones elses.


I was thinking about your prophecies while I drove cross country. Especially the one about making it so that more people can go to the beach by vaporizing a one mile channel every ten miles. I was picturing crossing a one mile long bridge every ten miles. And under these bridges would be a one mile sea channel. But it needs to be at sea level or it will be dry. So one of these would have to be about a mile deep near Denver. You do realize that would be an engineering feat that would make the Panama Canal look like a drainage ditch, right?

By my calculations, your prophecy is to vaporize 19% of the surface area of the country - so more people can go to the beach. Do you have any idea what the environmental consequences of vaporizing that much matter into the atmosphere would be? Do you realize that every river, stream and creek would drain into the ocean depriving us of fresh water? Do you know how much of an expenditure of resources that millions of mile long bridges would be?

How about making plastic bubbles undersea in order to grow cannabis? Did it occur to you that if the conditions in a region are right to grow things that something else might be growing there? Like coral reefs? And you want to turn it into a suburb? Do you think this is wise?

And did it occur to you that people might not like living underground? Where is the housing shortage that makes this ridiculous idea worthwhile?

Now I am just going from memory here from one of the countless threads that this has occupied - and I will not watch your videos because, damn. But I gotta ask. What distinguishes your prophecies from the deep thoughts of a high school sophomore with an interest in science fiction for a creative writing class? Are they the Christs too?

I plan on picking apart this post and sharing My sentiment.

But, I think you misread Me saying that I would put an ocean channel ever 10 miles, because I believe I said that maybe in the future there can be an ocean channel every 100 miles, so no one will be more than an hour away from the beach.

As far as the bridges go, I would make the bridges out of hemp plastic. Hemp plastic is 10 times stronger than steel, and hemp plastic is 12 times lighter than steel. I would grow as much hemp as possible (in the future), and hemp plastic would be super cheap, compared to steel, etc..

As far as people living underground, I believe some people will like it because underground abodes will be much cheaper than abodes on land. Plus the taxes and the insurance will be a lot less too. If someone lives underground, they can always come to the surface whenever they want too. Its not like the underground dwellers will be like caged beasts. If I am not mistaken, we could probably make billions of mansion underground, too.

I would also create abodes underwater, and abodes under the ocean floor.

I would also create undergroud ocean channels too. These underground ocean channels would be the abodes for many sea creature. I am sure that there will be a super abundance of lobsters, crabs, shrimp, fish, etc., in My future Kingdom.

Anyways, I am going to pick apart this post in a little bit.
