This guy is full of win.
Then came the song's eponymous refrain — "
Fuck tha police!" — four times in a row.
"Really?" Garzon said to Baldelomar through his open car window. "You're really playing that song? Pull over."
The cop told Baldelomar it's "illegal to play loud music within 25 feet of another person." The law student laughed that one off:
"In 2012 the state supreme court struck down any law banning loud music," he says. "I knew that because it was a case I had actually studied in law school."
Garzon grew angry, though, when Baldelomar told him that fact. He called over two other cops and then demanded proof of insurance. Baldelomar pulled up his info on his phone, but Garzon waived it off, saying, "It's got to be paper." (It doesn't. Florida changed the law a year ago.)
Finally, Garzon tore off three tickets: one for the insurance, one for having an out-of-state license plate, and one for not wearing a seat belt. Baldelomar says he was wearing his seat belt the whole time and is still legally a resident of Massachusetts.
When Baldelomar asked where his noise violation was, Garzon told him to take off and not to get "smart."
"I'm educated. I know my rights. And I speak English, so I can fight this," he points out. "But what about when this happens to someone who's not so lucky? Policing has to change in this country."
Stupid cop doesn't even know the law he's attempting to enforce. Notice he has 16, and soon to be 17 internal affairs issues in about as many years as being a cop.