Spider Mites Help

i just use a shop vac to suck off web and mites then spray with azamax and that clears up even the really bad infestations. no need for super expensive sprays imo.

that reminds me someone borrowed my shop vac way back can't remember who now
got rid of clone. Sprayed with pure kapow seen webs every where
pure kapow was to be used as a prevented thinking did not work or i just did look can't see webs till wet
make sure u are REALLY spraying, I use my 1gal sprayer w/ enough pressure n a wider spread so it literally acts like a power washer..... one leaf at a time....

break away n remove all the webbing, eggs, bodies, etc u can....
riddle me this batman! I have had a spider mite issue from the day I built my grow room.. then I even put up a tent to try n solve the thought of it being the wood that I used to build the room.. but nooo.. even in temps of 50 degrees I still have mites.. I spray every three days with neem,azamax 3n1, garlic,dawn, hell I even went in after everything was out and bleached everything(tent,walls,floors) and let the room get down to freezing temps. washed every item that was put back into my rooms and started fresh from seed.. still ended up with spider mites.. WTF there like roaches you will never get rid of them... unless you and your room is treated like a lab. you will end up with some type of bug issue.. I wash hands and change clothes before I ever go near my girls and still can't finger it out.. so I just keep it controlled by hand wiping everything down.. there blown in by wind and can ride in your hair and stay for days before jumping onto your plants.. or your shoes, corners of pots, you name it there there.. fuckin ll bastards ... lets all start a outright war on spider mites.. yeah kill em all.good luck on them mites there bro.
riddle me this batman! I have had a spider mite issue from the day I built my grow room.. then I even put up a tent to try n solve the thought of it being the wood that I used to build the room.. but nooo.. even in temps of 50 degrees I still have mites.. I spray every three days with neem,azamax 3n1, garlic,dawn, hell I even went in after everything was out and bleached everything(tent,walls,floors) and let the room get down to freezing temps. washed every item that was put back into my rooms and started fresh from seed.. still ended up with spider mites.. WTF there like roaches you will never get rid of them... unless you and your room is treated like a lab. you will end up with some type of bug issue.. I wash hands and change clothes before I ever go near my girls and still can't finger it out.. so I just keep it controlled by hand wiping everything down.. there blown in by wind and can ride in your hair and stay for days before jumping onto your plants.. or your shoes, corners of pots, you name it there there.. fuckin ll bastards ... lets all start a outright war on spider mites.. yeah kill em all.good luck on them mites there bro.

Have you tried making an air inlet prefilter box? could be coming in from your fresh air intake. Another option in your war against mites is possibly to use biological method...i.e. Ladybugs or other similar predators, not sure where your from but in Australia we have 2 companies that I know of that you can get biological predators for different situations. I actually use predatory mites that eat the eggs, larvae and adult of another mite on my snake enclosures without harming my snakes and it works a treat. Ladybugs are a very popular choice, though their main diet is aphids, they do eat spider mites when there are no aphids around, plus when your spider mite problem seems to have corrected or ended, you just shop vac them into their bag they came in and refrigerate them to put them to sleep till next time.
I have delt with the borg a few times... I filter the incoming air and vacuum the rooms often. So far the best thing I have used is a mixture of Neem oil and Spinosad. I use a 1 gallon bug sprayer with 1 tbsp of neem oil and 1 tbsp of Spinosad. I set the wand tip for the finest spray possible then just poke the wand into the plants and hose them down. I also soak the soil at the same time since I focus on the lower part of the plant the most. Along with that I remove the infested leafs prior to spraying but I always catch it when they are just getting colonized. (the first signs of dots on the leafs) The leaf's that get picked off go into a bucket of spinosad water prior to being tossed in the trash can. I have noticed that a lot of air movement helps to keep them at bay also.

I spray every day for 4 days and they are gone. I usually go about 6 months or longer before they show up again. I am pretty sure my last outbreak came from plant's that are in the house since it is freezing outside.
I have delt with the borg a few times... I filter the incoming air and vacuum the rooms often. So far the best thing I have used is a mixture of Neem oil and Spinosad. I use a 1 gallon bug sprayer with 1 tbsp of neem oil and 1 tbsp of Spinosad. I set the wand tip for the finest spray possible then just poke the wand into the plants and hose them down. I also soak the soil at the same time since I focus on the lower part of the plant the most. Along with that I remove the infested leafs prior to spraying but I always catch it when they are just getting colonized. (the first signs of dots on the leafs) The leaf's that get picked off go into a bucket of spinosad water prior to being tossed in the trash can. I have noticed that a lot of air movement helps to keep them at bay also.

I spray every day for 4 days and they are gone. I usually go about 6 months or longer before they show up again. I am pretty sure my last outbreak came from plant's that are in the house since it is freezing outside.

picked up Spinosad monterey garden insect spray
sprayed the shit out of them
see really small black spot on under side of a lower leaf magnified 500x it's dead if it's a bug ( mite poo maybe )Still0046.jpg this not a mite i seen yesterday

azatrol and azamax if all fails this... stuff pricey small bottle $70
I have mites right now as well idk how they came in but its a closet with an open door so i dont imagine it was very hard lol anyway best thing imo for killing these bastards is treating every other day for about 3 weeks to make sure your getting the bew ones that hatch with a habanero water reduction a guy on this forum calls caliclean ive been using it a while and it works pretty well uve just gotta stay on top of your spraying and not get lazy
picked up Spinosad monterey garden insect spray
sprayed the shit out of them
see really small black spot on under side of a lower leaf magnified 500x it's dead if it's a bug ( mite poo maybe )View attachment 3313583 this not a mite i seen yesterday

azatrol and azamax if all fails this... stuff pricey small bottle $70

1 oz of lavender oil cost 8-9 bucks and makes 1-2 gallons of spray.Kills eggs and mites, just have to spray every 2-3 days religiously for 2-3 weeks.Inexpensive and effective.I'll alternate with neem and rosemary oil and lavender but lavender by far is the most effective.
Mites kill easy. Its the keepin them from coming back thats impossible for me at least. Especially with a large grow. Its why I started over.
I think most mites come in on clones from some outside source. Mine did.
The guy at my grow store said he heard they 'float on dust particles in the air'. That gave me a good laugh
I know I tried all those expensive systemics and yes they work but they stay in the plants system for long periods and are crazy expensive..........don't forget to emulsify the lavender oil first before adding to water....I use about 3-5 ml of dawn dish soap for every 1/2 oz to 1 oz lavender oil.
? can you use in flower tent "lavender oil" as a prevented for mites like 3 / 4 weeks in
just worrying now if there in tent also
I went with the Spinosad because it is safe for pets and humans and you can use it up to within a few weeks of harvest! Wally world sells it along with the big chain hardware stores for around $20.00 a bottle. The bottle has lasted me almost a year and still has a bunch in it.

The mites get brought into the room by attaching to a plant or to your clothing. It is freezing outside so there are NO insects to bring in from the yard. I am sure my last outbreak was from the damn plants in the laundry room. I have elephant ears, canna plants and a few more bulb type plants that I didn't want to chop and dry the bulbs so I potted them and brought them inside. Since they were outside to begin with, they are full of nasty bugs and I did not spray them before it got spread to my rooms. Live and learn!!!! They have been sprayed!!!

Quote from Wiki links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinosad

Two other uses for Spinosad are for pets and humans. Spinosad has recently been used in oral preparations to treat C. felis, the cat flea, in canines and felines; the optimal dose set for canines is reported to be 30 mg/kg.[2]

Trade names include Comfortis and Trifexis® (which also includes milbemycin oxime) (both brands treat adult fleas on pets; the latter also prevents heartworm disease), and Natroba (for human head lice.) It is commonly used to kill thrips and other pests on flowering marijuana plants a few weeks before harvest without harming the flowers or making them harmful if smoked.[9][10][11]
I looked up that Forbid F4 and I don't like what the warnings say about it.

It say's:

Do not use on vegetable gardens
Do not use on plants intended for use as feed or forage
Not for use in commercial greenhouses or nurseries, or on fruit or nut trees

If on skin or clothing:
Take off contaminated clothing
Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes
Call poison control center or doctor for treatment advice

Also say's Do not apply more than 3 times per season.


I don't think I would want that on my plant's no matter how well it works.

Spinosad on the other hand is use to treat head lice on humans and fleas on dogs and cats. The only real danger to using it is getting it in your eye's or mouth. It is rated slightly toxic.

I am ok with multiple applications to get rid of a pest versus wearing a respirator and hazmat suit to apply something that I would never want one of my patients or myself smoking. Besides, you can spray it as close as 2 weeks prior to harvest because we all know spider mites can show up at any time during the grow, not just in the veg period.