rogue plant


Well-Known Member
nah it's all natural. I literally only give her the dark and light, everything else is mother nature. I am considering tieing her down but the question is where cause I don't wanna stress it out.


New Member
nah it's all natural. I literally only give her the dark and light, everything else is mother nature. I am considering tieing her down but the question is where cause I don't wanna stress it out.
anywhere is cool to tie it but you need to do it soon, the stem gets hard and woody like during flowering and that can cause it to break if you dont do it before the stem hardens. You dont have to worry about over stressing it, Not giving it any nutes is stressing it more than the tying is.
Either that plant has to be in really good soil or it will need a little help in flowering to yield a decent amount. You really do want it to do the best that it can if your going to fuck with force flowering it. Thats a lot of work for the plant to only yield a quarter ounce of bud because it didnt have what it needed to be healthy an all.
Not trying to boss ya around and make you raise if a way other than what you want, but everything needs a little food bro....


Well-Known Member
Understandable. Well the only reason I decided to cover her is cause I didn't want to wait till october to harvest her. Around here october is a really cold month. So I thought if I make her flower a bit earlier I can then pull her up sooner. My plan is to just let her do her thing until the end of august and then pull it up. Being that it's my first plant this is more of a trial and error period. i may go all out next year and get a better start say maybe march. but for now i'm just gonna let it ride. I don't really expect to get much outta it anyway. hell it wasn't planned to begin with so anything it yields is a bonus, even if it is only 1/4. lol. I may go get some nutes today but i'm still not sure. I'm gonna do some more reading before i go messing with that stuff.


Well-Known Member
another question. would adding say banana peels to the ground help it get K? I know bananas are loaded with Potassium but would it hurt the plant? could it make the plant sweeter as well?


Active Member
yeah man if its outside there really isnt a whole lot you could do, when its ready to flower, it will flower....just like my girls, i had em outside for a while and they started to bud rather quickely because of the 12/12 light cycle, if they are outside they will grow buds sooner than later....good luck
So I have this plant growing in front of my house, probably one of those bag seeds that went over the rail. I have no clue how long it's been there but it is about 1'3" tall so far. My question is when should i start to induce flowering because I don't want to wait until September. Any advice is welcomed!!! Will be trying to add pictures shortly


New Member
another question. would adding say banana peels to the ground help it get K? I know bananas are loaded with Potassium but would it hurt the plant? could it make the plant sweeter as well?
Im not really sure of this. I started out using miracle grow bloom booster food that I got @ walmart for like $3-$5 a box. I know one of my firends have been putting bannana peelings in their compost to rot for flowering soil, but I dont know if they would help or not since yours aint rotted yet. I think they have to be broken down for the plant to use. Having the fruit peels there as they are rotting will likely draw bugs to the plants, which is never a good thing unless its ladybugs (they eat all the bad bugs)

Continuing like you are certianly wont kill the plant by itself, I just though you would wanna get as much from it as you can.
The weed will only be @ most twice as good as the weed it came from anyways so You likely wont end up with anything REALLY fire, unless you smoke high grade and that plant is from a seed that you found and chucked out there.


Well-Known Member
stretching i get cause it's only light being the sun. so i took your advice and got some miracle grow plant sticks. rated at 6-12-6. I put 3 in about 4 inches away from the main stalk. so we will see if that helps it any. I did some pruning today too got rid of some fan leaves that were chewed up and pretty much nothing left of them. hopefully this will help a little more. I usually smoke mid grade stuff, meaning it can get a bit seedy. otherwise i'll just have to wait and see what kind of smoke it produces. I need to start educating myself on drying and curing though. from what i heard it's like 2 weeks to dry and like a month to cure. I thought once it was dried out it was ready to go. any thoughts?


New Member
stretching i get cause it's only light being the sun. so i took your advice and got some miracle grow plant sticks. rated at 6-12-6. I put 3 in about 4 inches away from the main stalk. so we will see if that helps it any. I did some pruning today too got rid of some fan leaves that were chewed up and pretty much nothing left of them. hopefully this will help a little more. I usually smoke mid grade stuff, meaning it can get a bit seedy. otherwise i'll just have to wait and see what kind of smoke it produces. I need to start educating myself on drying and curing though. from what i heard it's like 2 weeks to dry and like a month to cure. I thought once it was dried out it was ready to go. any thoughts?
hang it until the stems on it crack when you bend them. That usally takes 7 days or so but it can take less depending on how tight or loose the nugs are.

Curing takes a month or more sometimes if you use a jar but it can be smoked before then. It just dosent get that fire nuggets taste. Since you normally smoke lower grade bud it would prob taste fine to you.


Well-Known Member
So in retrospect, since i usually smoke garbage, if i were to take this seriously and cure it for however long I could get something extremely potent to me? which then means that i would royally be fubar? lmao. just curious is all


New Member
So in retrospect, since i usually smoke garbage, if i were to take this seriously and cure it for however long I could get something extremely potent to me? which then means that i would royally be fubar? lmao. just curious is all
the plant will have limits to its potency due to its genetics (whats strain and type of weed it is).
You can then further lower that potency to by the way you grow it (like if you fuck up or the plant isnt healthy) but it cant be better than what the plants genetics are. If it came from a seed that was really shitty weed it could be good it could be bad, it just depends on WHY that weed was shitty.
Usually bags with a lot of seeds dont have crystally plants though so Dont get your hopes up on getting some kindbud.
If you really want good weed and be sure that its the fire you need to buy seeds. If you want to look into that pm me and Ill let you know where you can get some really cheap, and they are from a good seedbank too. They are just starting up and have A+ service for around $20-$40


Well-Known Member
u can def. get some dank crystally weed from bagseed. seedy bud just means that plant was pollinated and most likely not cared for too well itself. doesnt mean it wasnt a good strain with good genetics at all


New Member
u can def. get some dank crystally weed from bagseed. seedy bud just means that plant was pollinated and most likely not cared for too well itself. doesnt mean it wasnt a good strain with good genetics at all
fact that he says its always seedy as fuck means to me that its the same shit that is always in my area. mexican brickweed that most people call schwag but the folks that dont know any better call regs or middies.
It usually isnt just a hermie of a good strain, its usually a late flowering sativa that isnt that potent.
It stil always ends up better than t he original bud if you dont let it get pollinated though.


Well-Known Member
Well I meant more along the lines of since it usually is seedy bud it probably did get pollinated, but since it's a female (hopefully stays that way) there won't be a potential for the seeds thus giving more energy for producing the crystals? I did noticed today that the smaller fan leaves next to the buds or rather right underneath the buds are getting covered in what looks like white crystals. Can anyone explain what i'm seeing. Is that the trichomes falling off the buds onto the leaves?


Well-Known Member
That will work for you.
but it will flower on its own real soon anyways.
outdoor plants dont wait for 12/12 they usually will be ready for harvest end sept/early oct

At only 2 feet tall, it could be dug up, put in a 5 gal pail and moved somewhere it could finish O Natural
just a thought


Well-Known Member
other than the seed, mexican sativa that is known as shwag, is danky weed. it is the process of high pressure packaging and shipping that ruins its potency. it will prob grow a dank plant


Well-Known Member
well i've had seeds from a seedy batch and i had some blueberry seeds and some lemon lime seeds. they all get thrown over the rail. I have absolutly no idea which it could be. regardless of that i'm just happy it's there at all. and i'm probably not gonna transplant just due to the stress it would cause. thanks for the advice though.


New Member
other than the seed, mexican sativa that is known as shwag, is danky weed. it is the process of high pressure packaging and shipping that ruins its potency. it will prob grow a dank plant
somewhat true. They do also start massive grows from seed and wait too long to remove males sometimes as well though. Which is usaually the case. But lots of times they dont take care of the dank like you mentioned. much of brickweed going around is just retransported for cheap cash....