Quantum Kush 38% THC?

Wow "race baiters", way to hide your dog whistle.

I'm not a fan of Sharpton, or Jackson, but Obama?

Yep those three definitely have something in common.
Wow "race baiters", way to hide your dog whistle.

I'm not a fan of Sharpton, or Jackson, but Obama?

Yep those three definitely have something in common.

yep, they're usually 3/5th of a row in the racist dog whistle bingo board.

racists cry endlessly about those three as if they had some effect on anyone's life. meanwhile 8000+ KKK members commit endless hate crimes every year, their dozens of offshoot splinter groups do the same, racist right wing extremists rack up body counts in america higher than jihadists, and the racists remain silent.

people crying endlessly about sharpton and jackson are 100% racist shits without fail.

You sure see an awful lot of these compassionate men of the people........lol


i'm not even a part of this argument, so the silly little memes that racists like you comfort yourself with don't apply.

you are a racist, plain and simple.

edit: your cute little memes come from "moralmatters.org", a website which claims that the sandy hook tragedy was a hoax, goes full retard on the birther conspiracy, touts "homosexual conversion" to "cure" gays of their horrible illness, and calls multiculturalism the purposeful destruction of the white race.

it's no wonder you're such a dumb shit, look where you get your news from.
Oh.......I'm sorry.

What cities are the white folks burning, looting, and shutting down?

yeah, us poor white people have to comfort ourselves with privileged status, better outcomes in the legal system, better treatment by police, better outcomes in the workforce, and no centuries long history of persecution in this nation.

how do we ever cope?
yep, they're usually 3/5th of a row in the racist dog whistle bingo board.

racists cry endlessly about those three as if they had some effect on anyone's life. meanwhile 8000+ KKK members commit endless hate crimes every year, their dozens of offshoot splinter groups do the same, racist right wing extremists rack up body counts in america higher than jihadists, and the racists remain silent.

people crying endlessly about sharpton and jackson are 100% racist shits without fail.

I do think there are legitimate issues one could take with both Jackson and Sharpton. Thing is when one has to resort to "race baiting" as the defining term, generally they could give fuck all about an earnest conversation or criticism regarding them.
It began, I recall, as mass murders and genocide in the Middle East by murderous Islamists, then it found it's way to Canada, as did the murderous jihadists.

right wing extremist white males have killed and terrorized more americans than jihadists have.


when are you going to start crowing about disgruntled white males with "don't tread on me" flags who are heavily armed, nationalistic, and smashing a bible?

Oh, ok. So....a little help......what is this giant racial issue you speak of that involves a giant thug strong arming and stealing from a store owner, then getting his head blown off after attacking a cop? I guess I'm just missing it.......because there isn't one.

you are missing it. dumb racists generally do.

the grand jury focused on none of that. it focused on what happened after michael brown fled.

18 witnesses gave basically the same account: brown stopped, turned around, put his hands in the air, and walked towards the officer.

only darren wilson and his cop buddy had a different account.

guess who won that "they said, those other 18 people said"?

Most of you folks can't see the big picture for your bleeding heart politically correct recitations of white guilt.

white guilt?

that's a common phrase in white supremacy circles. not anywhere else do you hear that shit.

you're giving yourself away.

Calling me racist is the easy out, Mr Head, and requires you to avoid facing facts that are right before your eyes. Not calling it what it is, doesn't change what it is, Mr Head.

With all due respect.

you are as racist as they come.

with no respect due whatsoever.
I do think there are legitimate issues one could take with both Jackson and Sharpton. Thing is when one has to resort to "race baiting" as the defining term, generally they could give fuck all about an earnest conversation or criticism regarding them.

you'll hear people like amos talk about "race hustlers" constantly.

but if your success as a "race hustler" is defined as how much money you hustle in, then the biggest race hustlers in the world are the race baiting, factless, intentionally misleading and outright lying assholes over at fox news.

they have a multi-billion dollar empire predicated almost entirely on race hustling, playing off the bigoted and racist leanings of easily duped shitheads like amos otis.

but you'll never hear a peep out of folks like amos about those race hustlers, unless of course it is a defense of that network.

And now, it's bent to the U S, as working people can't get home because a highway is blocked, can't shop because people are laying in the aisles, black business owners having their businesses destroyed by black protestors. :roll:

you're clearly no student of history.

racist assholes like you were saying the same exact thing about civil rights marches 50 years ago.

you're a coward who does not have the courage or wit to debate your idiotic hateful views over in politics.

stay in your fucking hole, loser.
you'll hear people like amos talk about "race hustlers" constantly.

but if your success as a "race hustler" is defined as how much money you hustle in, then the biggest race hustlers in the world are the race baiting, factless, intentionally misleading and outright lying assholes over at fox news.

they have a multi-billion dollar empire predicated almost entirely on race hustling, playing off the bigoted and racist leanings of easily duped shitheads like amos otis.

but you'll never hear a peep out of folks like amos about those race hustlers, unless of course it is a defense of that network.


Fox news was started to be a media company to promote conservative/republican ideology.

Anyone who watches that channel should know by default it's nothing short of propaganda
Fox news was started to be a media company to promote conservative/republican ideology.

Anyone who watches that channel should know by default it's nothing short of propaganda

and it leaves you less informed than watching no news at all, according to multiple studies done by the fine folks at farleigh-dickinson university.
and it leaves you less informed than watching no news at all, according to multiple studies done by the fine folks at farleigh-dickinson university.

Lol, that's true I forgot about that.

Easily one of the worst "news" networks. More like idiotic debate amongst blondes and O'Reilly the hack.
Lol, that's true I forgot about that.

Easily one of the worst "news" networks. More like idiotic debate amongst blondes and O'Reilly the hack.

fox news viewers literally could not answer questions like "who has the most seats in the house of representatives right now?" or "who won the new hampshire primary?" better than people who watched absolutely no news at all.


just incredibly pathetic.

i'll keep an eye out for a chorus of indignant whining once amos gets back from his klan rally.