Do your friends know you're growing?

Yeah, she's pretty pissed at me. Had to tear everything down to help appease her. She had to go into work about 15 minutes after I got home, so we didn't really talk about it much, but she made it clear that she was rather displeased with me.

Women are so easy to replace, why would you give up anything you want to do for a girl?
If your going to post update pics on facebook you might as well take the plant to the police station urself and ask for grow tips lol

I cant believe someone asking these questions...
How old are you?
Look at the op's name, then type it into YouTube, brace your ears for severe pain, then answer that question yourself ;)
Don't get me wrong. I just don't happily skip along singing kumbaya and telling every single one of my friends that I grow, not that I don't trust them. They just aren't interested and could care less. All my friends are childhood friends and I fully trust with my life, which is why I choose them as friends in the first place. Not like these crooked "friends" I hear about all the time on roll it up who robs one another. They know I grow, I know they grow, we all breed and share strains with each other. Believe me, if your friends are anything like mines, you're not going to get robbed by them.
Very well said! Don't have fucktards as friends.

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Damn that's suck. Thanks god my wife smoke weed and understand my needing to grow but I know it scare her. Thinking about stopping because I want her to feel safe at home but my plant are showing so much progress, I don't know what to do.
Women love money talk so tell her you guys will save money this way
with a grow. This should take the scare out of her no?


Most of my friends are fellow Harley enthusiast. So I trust them with my life. And as for neighbors, my friends are Harley enthusiasts....... My neighbors are scared..... And it's sudo legal. But at your age, and your "friends" age, don't talk your business.
Ain't nothing like a friends are Harley enthusiasts and are in MCs
Definitely lets you know who are real friends though

ive since told all the "friends" I had that got pissed when I stopped giving them my "FreeWeed" that I quit growing:)
it has slowly come out within the inlaws that I am a card holder,so i get barraged with all the questions and misinformation. No it isnt a prescription, and we are controlled by the government laws..yada yada. My brother in law has seeen my garden, my best friend since kindergarten and one other person and my wife.
is there anyone who posts updates pics of their plant on facebook?
One very good non-grower friend, my brother, mom, girlfriend and a few medical legal growers I trade seeds/clones with.

Definitely lets you know who are real friends though

ive since told all the "friends" I had that got pissed when I stopped giving them my "FreeWeed" that I quit growing:)

I had to do that almost right away. I trusted a very few and one was a relative. They thought it mean free supply any time you want. Explaining that its hardly "free" became a hassle to me so I told everybody I gave it up, it was just easier that way. None offered to pay my electric bill thats for sure.
I'd never make that mistake again.
Fuck friends and trimming. I have had only one person (friend) offer to help me trim and his exact statement was....
"Next time you trim I will come help, well as long as I can keep what I trim".

Of course he said that while he was sitting here smoking free weed.
Did he mean the trim from the bud he trims? I've done that for many trimmers. But I can imagine many idiots I once knew saying they want the bud they trimmed. Or think they deserve half when they only trimmed an ounce in 6 hours. Standard pay is one ounce of the bud you trimmed for every pound properly trimmed bud. After drying.
Did he mean the trim from the bud he trims? I've done that for many trimmers. But I can imagine many idiots I once knew saying they want the bud they trimmed. Or think they deserve half when they only trimmed an ounce in 6 hours. Standard pay is one ounce of the bud you trimmed for every pound properly trimmed bud. After drying.
Shit dude, for that kinda pay, hit me up if you ever need more trimmers! I ain't never been given more than a couple zips of sugar leaf trim haha
Shit dude, for that kinda pay, hit me up if you ever need more trimmers! I ain't never been given more than a couple zips of sugar leaf trim haha
A couple zips of sugar trim for a pound of bud trimmed? I'll double that. Lol.
Standard pro trimmer rates in Ca are typically $200 per lb.
$200 a pound or a ounce of what you trimmed. Most like 1/2 weed and $100 cash. I'm looking for a person that will do it full time. A perpetual grow trimmer. 2 pounds a week and do all the curing and drying and trimming. Going to get me one of those bikini wearing ones. Hope he's not too hairy.....
One of my friends knows because I salvaged my bagseed so I didn't even know what to expect when germinating but now that it's growing I haven't said anything and am playing on just playing it off like the seed never sprouted. Do you guys tell your friends? Or is there anyone who posts updates pics of their plant on facebook?

What are your experiences or tips in concealing for those of you who have been growing for a while now?

There is 3 rules to follow and you should survive a whIle (I have at least).

1 - no tell (this means no one not even family members)
2 - no smell (this means even in the country and you think smell is ok.. it really isn't no matter where you live)
3 - no sell ( selling increases your chances of getting busted home invasions and robbed trying to sell not worth it in my opinion.. I grow to avoid the dealers..)

Good luck!