The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Damn right I was Ghb that much so I'm rocking it today while walking about the dam, Still not in the xmas mood tho, Looking forward to some nice silver bubble soon tho when I hit the grey area that should cheer me up


Well-Known Member
Wanker Gary lol so fucking envious dude but now the gf will smoke once on a while sky's the limit for me n the dam... Only now I'll have to wait for the missus to fall asleep before I go slapping whores with my snow man dick


Well-Known Member
Wanker Gary lol so fucking envious dude but now the gf will smoke once on a while sky's the limit for me n the dam... Only now I'll have to wait for the missus to fall asleep before I go slapping whores with my snow man dick
Lmao, ur a funny little fucker relax, Can always rely on u to make me lol,

And tbh the dam is good but u can get as good if not better weed at home. Only bonus here is the relaxed attitude, and of course the hookers


Well-Known Member
Remember my first time in the dam I'd planned to get my smoke n shopping done n then smoke...smoked a blunt first ting got waaaaaay 2 high, walked around for a bit (in circles)stoned out me box cops on horses n black men offering me cocaine ate in 3 different takeaways n went back home to Belgium lol much prefer the quieter places like maastrict..especially when ur as high as I was lol


Well-Known Member
First time I was in the dam was with a m8 and 2 birds we knew....landed and had a few drinks and blazed on some pure grass pre rolleds lol, was a bad idea before we sorted out a place to stay....was fucked lol


Well-Known Member
Ah man I'm glad I didn't drink on top of it tbh I'd of hidden in a corner for a few hours haha remember having bad cotton mouth n had spent all my money on pot n food so I'd a little bottle of water I got at babar for the whole fucking day lol a 250ml bottle of water....u even had to pay to use public toilets. Was like being in Germany all over again.


Well-Known Member
Ah man I'm glad I didn't drink on top of it tbh I'd of hidden in a corner for a few hours haha remember having bad cotton mouth n had spent all my money on pot n food so I'd a little bottle of water I got at babar for the whole fucking day lol a 250ml bottle of water....u even had to pay to use public toilets. Was like being in Germany all over again.
I mostly smoked on soap around the first time I went and the pure grass joints just panelled me lol, me an my m8, couldn't even finish the game of pool in the bar....just had to get out ffs. Was there for a week, all in all it was still a brilliant week

First call every morning was a bottle of vod, we got some real coke over there, I got put off mushies and we bought some es that wernt es lol!


Well-Known Member
I mostly smoked on soap around the first time I went and the pure grass joints just panelled me lol, me an my m8, couldn't even finish the game of pool in the bar....just had to get out ffs. Was there for a week, all in all it was still a brilliant week
hahahaha, yeah it's when u keep getting higher n ur like "dammit, it's not stopping, maybe if I ignore it it will go away...nope just gets worse"..then you have the great idea to walk it off but u get conscious of your walking n end up looking like a spaz...or is that just me?


Well-Known Member
only thing you'll rock with that is some cock lol grown ass man wearing a Xmas jumper lol..if ur gonna get an Xmas top atleast get a street fighter one
Suppose the master of cock pullin should know alri ... how much cock them gimp ass slippers get u ... ha im so fckn hungover