The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Have you noticed how every thread claiming they're defoliating and then touting the benefits, the process is about as flawed as it comes.

From the pictures i saw from this guy, doesnt look like fuck all real defoliation took place, yet somehow the buds still look shit. Ive seen bigger buds from folk who did actually strip the plant of the majority of its leaves.


Well-Known Member
I pretty much do the opposite, on zlh only lollipop in veg and at 3 weeks 12/12 pinch out lower 3 rd buds, seems to stim the colas and keep up wiv the nutes she feeds like no other

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
time to see what shape veg is in... gona fill buncha cups w r/o water, for tops, while goin edward skeezer on em. certainly no-offense to barbers or hairdressers


Well-Known Member
Once you clean the exif data (metadata (info about info)) before posting em you'll be fine. Many a free program to clean those pics for u...or if your very paranoid clean ur pics with the exif data cleaner then host em on What kinda veg setup u planning?


Well-Known Member
I've smoked skywalker before, lovely bag appeal. Not the biggest indica dom fan but I can definitely see the appeal with the strain n tis always nice to have a little variation I suppose. Here it's all sat dom hybrids n that's how I like it.


Well-Known Member
Same as myself, caffeines one of the last vices I have n tbh I find the palpitations comforting at this stage like life is giving my heart a sporadic hug.indica will definitely help so..tbh exercise would probably be of the greatest benefit in relation to irregular sleep patterns but fuck it pots definitely the fastest solution...that cross sounds fucking delicious man. Who's the cheese from?


Well-Known Member
Check out breeders boutique. I've smoked the exo n psycho n if u want something close bb would be ur best bet seeing as they definitely have access to the clones n not just hear say. I never said cut down smoking man lol I stay fit but still stay stoned 24/7...the cannabis is there to help u man don't fight it loool


Well-Known Member
in all honesty he has some amazing phenos in his stuff, there are a lot of hermies and low yielding ones but the resin and flavours you get are quite unique. be prepared to grow a whole pack though
Yeah lots of hermi issues n yield never a massive concern seeing as I can sell a gram at 25-30e loooool but Ill probably give it a go, some delicious sounding phenos in there n 300e for a pack of ten...dole day here I come...i still have a pack of cheese bukkake to grow out n I've 20 beans of dbxl to get through to find that magical pheno I had.


Well-Known Member
bet you were made up gaz!?

they aren't 30 a seed laxx, least not when i bought em lol. i think it was 50 quid a pack,i'd recommend the spacebomb!


Well-Known Member
Loool 30 for 10 man lol fuck that lol...every fucking time I look at seeds shit gets out of hand n I've like 10 different strains I wanna grow.