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The clown freaks me out.
Seriously - causes me to ensure I'm armed when I hit the rack.
I had a friend who was the same way, terrified by clowns.

Dissapeared strangely without trace. Only evidence was these giant footprints leading to a sewer.

Most peculiar...
Name: Diafuckinbolical
Addy: your moms
sex: yes please
age: 21 for many years now
the most fucked up thing i ever saw in a chatroom was on skype which isnt really a chatroom i was talking to this girl that i went to high school with

and in the backround i saw this spiky bdsm thing

it was like full on sharp spikes and it looked like you lay on them

and i was still contemplating on fucking her lmao

edit: the funniest thing i saw i was on a hookah chat room for RHF and this guy was spray painting dickbutt on highway sings lmao

and in case you didn't know this is what dickbutt is