Jack Harer (Sensi Seeds) - Genetics Cleared up?


If you think sensi seeds are no good its fair to say your not very good at growing cannabis.

*Sensi Seed Bank has won more recognition than any other seed company. Sensi's cannabis seeds have been awarded more First Prizes and Cannabis Cups than those of any other breeder.

This includes post 90's


tonightyou, If you cross two plants you will have less genetic diversity than if you cross lots of them. :roll:


ide go further if you didnt tell me what i all ready know. Not to be mean but i thought this was common sense?


bud bootlegger
tonightyou, If you cross two plants you will have less genetic diversity than if you cross lots of them. :roll:
yes, this is true, but of course you have no idea of knowing whether all of the good genetics got passed on or whether all of the shit genetics got passed on to the offspring..
by running larger numbers, you have a better chance of finding what ever it is that you're looking for.. some of the things you're looking for might be recessive, and will only show up if both parents share that gene, and even than, only when both alleles line up with each other..


bud bootlegger
If you think sensi seeds are no good its fair to say your not very good at growing cannabis.

*Sensi Seed Bank has won more recognition than any other seed company. Sensi's cannabis seeds have been awarded more First Prizes and Cannabis Cups than those of any other breeder.

This includes post 90's
sensi used to be one of the better breeders out there, back in the day... things change over the years though..sensi has be known not to be the same company they once were.. parent plants die off, things happen in cannabis breeding.. i still wouldn't call sensi siht, but they're far from what they once were in their heyday...


For some reason i thought i could hop on here and talk about the variety of sensi JH phenos. But instead its just people saying "My friends grew this once...Ya know? I thought like maybe one advanced grower was like hey yea i love jack harer from sensi and its smelled like this, and tasted like that and the high was like this,


bud bootlegger
For some reason i thought i could hop on here and talk about the variety of sensi JH phenos. But instead its just people saying "My friends grew this once...Ya know? I thought like maybe one advanced grower was like hey yea i love jack harer from sensi and its smelled like this, and tasted like that and the high was like this,
oh, i love jack from sensi.. it smelled on the peppery side of things, more like a haze, and the high was more cerebal, clear headed, motivational..


Well-Known Member
OG i read the botany book by clarke. Its strays away from genetics and talks about hemp, fiber, laws, all the shit some amtuer writer would talk about to divert the real focus away. How that book has a high rating in amazon is beyond me. There is more opinion in that book than knowledge.

Cannabis seeds cannot be stored forever. <---It actually says this in the book. Nothing can be stored "Forever" So why even write this? Its just useless garbage.

If they are not planted every year a strain could be lost.<----What? Seeds can last thousands of years. It safe to say if proper stored they could last your lifetime. If they are not planted every year then a strain is not lost its sitting in a seed (safe i might add).

So after reading i lost interest very quickly.

Also talked about corn and fungus in the US. <---Lets compare small controlled canna growing to big commercial farms of corn so we have something to write in our book.
Things that might seem obvious to you might not seem obvious to everyone. There is quite a bit of information in that and other books he has written. You can ignore it if you prefer. He's forgotten more than you will ever know though.

Were did i claim that? I use grass city for most of my info and i wanted to join a community. Instead of joining GC i though mmmm mybe il try the most polular. Turns out the most popular is full of people talking out their ass.

Just cuz OG said it doesnt mean i did?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Well-Known Member
And Rollitup keep my post up for content, and my account info open. Yea no thx
If you were really a computer programmer and weren't an idiot, you'd already be sleeping soundly knowing that nothing you posted on here can be traced back to you with any kind of ease. Again, don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Racerboy71 I thought recessive traits(not shown) could be shown in later off spring through selection? Am i wrong in thinking this?



offspring smell: cherrys

(cherry)Offsprings offspring: Oranges

Is this possible if the breeder selects with his nose?


Its not illegal lol! Why should the site use my content for SEO when i wasn't happy with how the site is operated.


bud bootlegger
Racerboy71 I thought recessive traits(not shown) could be shown in later off spring through selection? Am i wrong in thinking this?



offspring smell: cherrys

(cherry)Offsprings offspring: Oranges

Is this possible if the breeder selects with his nose?
sure they can, but again, you're not likely to find those recessive traits that you're after unless you run larger numbers of plants, unless of course you get lucky and find them right off of the bat, but odds are very against this..
the more stable a strain, the better the chances of you finding what you're after in a smaller sample size, but sadly, when people talk about stability, cannabis isn't really the most stable thing ..

say a company wins a ccup, and they start selling seeds of the cup winning strain, unless they put in years and years of work doing selection and what not, one might have to grow say 10 ten packs of beans just to find that one pheno.. depending on who is doing the breeding, those numbers might jump up way higher than that sadly..
a lot of breeders will take plant a, and plant b, cross them together, and release the beans as a new strain, when in reality it's nothing more than a hybrid or polyhybrid if they just stop there..
you can have plants that show genes from the mom, you can have plants that show genes from the dad, then you can have plants that show genes from both mom and dad.. and sometimes the genes they show from either parent are really the genes you were looking for to begin with.. this is why larger numbers help in finding that special plant.. you're playing the odds, if that makes any sense..


bud bootlegger
a good ex. of what i'm talking about with a cup winning strains that you'd be more likely to win the lottery than find the cup winning pheno with is tangerine dream from barneys..
sure, that one special pheno won a cup, but christ, i've seen nothing but grow report after grow report where people had nothing but pure crap from a 10 pack of beans.. long ass flowering times, and not very potent bud are the norm..


Well-Known Member
Its not illegal lol! Why should the site use my content for SEO when i wasn't happy with how the site is operated.
If you are truely unhappy with the content and help being provided by, might I add, probably some of the best (knowledgable &experienced) members here on RIU then just stop typing and leave.

You are worried about the site using your "content", well then simply stop giving the site more fuel for your fire. The more you post, the more saved on the internets... Amiright?

*** i did open this thread with the intentions of contributing, but once I saw the comment about Sensi buying, errrrr I mean "winning" soooo many High Times Commercial, I mean Cannabis Cups, I have to question this entire thread seriously wondering if it wasnt meant to be a trolling thread to beguin with?

Good luck with your grow, be sure to grab this months high times to see what their newest reccomendations are.... I hear Greenhouse Seeds are the shit!


I realize its not easy to go from oranges to cherry to oranges. Since My female JH is good, and the male who looked the same produced seeds. I can then grow the seeds out and Select a couple out of hundreds with desirable traits then cross them back with the dad to make minor variations on my genes? Granted i dont know if my dad is any good but i did get to see leaf structure, stems, smells, pollen sack abundance ect.