Optimal DWC Size?

This is something I've been tinkering with and thinking about for years. What is the optimal size of a DWC bucket? I've grown in 3, 5, 10 and now 30 gallon buckets.

In soil they say the depth and size of a pot determines the size of the plant. In Hydro though, does that same rule apply?

Jorge Cervantes says that the roots optimal growth zone is about 20 inches. So hypothetically would 2 foot tall buckets be the optimal size? Or the more vertical room the better giving the roots more room to absorb nutrients?

After jumping through so many different sizes, I'm beginning to think the bigger and the more vertical space for root growth the better but I'm interested to hear other people's thoughts.
It dosnt play as huge of a role in hydro.
I know Forshur outdoors bigger pots equal bigger plants.
Most of the time indoors as well.

I'm using 18gallon Rubbermaid tubs and have used a 5 gallon bucket in the past. So I'll see this time.
But I'm sure if your growing huge trees you could benefit from a lager bucket just cause they will be drinking so damn much.
^ In the real world we use 5 gl usually. You can grow monsters. Go larger if your commercial. Otherwise your wasting time and even then... Bigger isn't always better.
I just set up my flowering room with 8 20 gallon DWC totes, vegging for 8 to 12 weeks in 5 gallon buckets... Might end up doing bigger net pots, but its what I have on hand. We'll see how it goes first round. Starts plant 1 *Monday*2014-12-04 11.14.21.jpg
If your gonna do it, that's the cleanest setups ive seen. Monster trees are upon you. Monster. ^ Do you have experience with the sheen of that white covering? Its not too intense?

In my experience any netcup below 6 inch and full lid style would cause me issues. Especially if you lst. Itll drop in or just simply fall over
I'm growing in 30 gallon trash cans right now. What do you use for airflow in your DWCs?
110 liter per minute pump rocking no more than 6 x large cylinder air stones (replace every 90 days, not clean & reuse or begging for pythium).

I use one stone in 5 gallon veg site x 6, then move to 31g tote and add two new stones, one 110lpm pump per two plants. Stones should be placed directly below the net pot so air column extends up through the roots.