The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
anyone tried grafting rootstocks not heard anyone canna talk about it but I may give it a go, put an exo onto a zlh rootstock to see what happens, will slow shit rite down I know but I am curious grew some grafted tommies this year wee the nuts
there's a shop in damn and this guys got a full mother with about 15 different strains grafted on .

its nothing new and i highly recommend it ....because i am " the sugar nob" don't you know :)


Well-Known Member
Not even a pls...dunno how u did shit in prison with ur bum buddies but that potty mouth won't fly in here homes...u want someone to suck ur dick u best start acting like a man n say pls


Well-Known Member
FYI butter cup everything we've ever said can be seen so flick back em pages if u wanna know shit lol


Well-Known Member
anyways.....wheres all the jobless hoodies on this thread.........fuckin dreaming of being stars on Jeremy Kyle no doubt!!!!

Ellie Golding is hot ;)

London posse rules !!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
need to take a sambo style approach to it. Quad vods and earbashings for all. he's an equal opportunity ethug don't ya know.

I'm good ta, no blue gaffer just yet but we're eagerly awaiting the next instalment of fuck uppery from him... he's long overdue. man, we had to scrap the books we were keeping on him cos he was doing daft shit on the daily. I haven;t taken his car keys once yet this festive season. he's slipping.

hows yaself?


Well-Known Member
The mods made bashing less fun you can't really offend ppl anymore. Loo he's one funny cunt, remember one night rambo was singing my praises for being the first Irish guy on the thread (real Irish hydro) n next day he's busting my balls even deleting posts after haha good times. Even Gary if he's pissed takes it really far with noobs.