2 or 3 tiny flies in my tent....is this a problem?

eugene b

Well-Known Member
looking in my tent earlier and there were 2 or 3 tiny flies flying...i killed them str8 away. what are they? when i say tiny they were proper small...i have no unwanted guests of desiese in my tent to date... any info welcome....

eugene b

Well-Known Member
gonna answer my own question they are fruit flies...googled it, they are meant to be real pain as they breed quickly, second question do they do any real damage to the plants?
useful link if anyone has same issue...peace.
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Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are very common with mj, especially in coco. They don't do a lot of damage unless they get out of hand and start populating the root zone. Tap your pots on the sides and stir the top layer to see if several come out
BT ( mosquito dunks) will handle them as will a no pest strip. Sand is sometimes used as a top dressing to deter them as well as diatomaceous earth, but are not totally effective unless you put the pots in a bed of sand or DE also to keep them from going into the bottom holes.
Neem oil works as a preventative but doesn't do much after they are there


Well-Known Member
I don't know if what I did was right but I sprinkled cinnamon on the dirt and hung a pest strip up.... worked for me.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Put up some yellow and blue sticky traps.
Get some on it? Match them to pics online and treat accordingly.
Look at Fungus gnats and root aphids.

Most likely Fungus gnats.