Sup hyroot those seeds look real nice! I just made a sample run of ice wax and used your method. Right now I have beach sand its in my garage drying, my question is right now its about 20 degrees outside and my garage isn't heated. Will this cause a problem with the drying? I would estimate it's probably a bit warmer than outside maybe 30-40F in my garage.
I need new bubble bags mine are falling apart when I make bubble and I end up with a few pieces of string in my bubble it sucks. That's what you get for 50$ for 5 bag set.
Lookin' good!
How does it smell?
Definitely looks great! You going to ride out to dez's with Mo saturday to hang out?thanks, smell and taste are cherry, skunky, coffee..
here is some pressed finger hash from the mojos og I got from pulling all the seeds.
I took 1 dab already. Very stony..
View attachment 3304772
finished harvesting seeds. After going through them and tossing the shitty ones. I have 143 seeds. Buddha Berry -- Mojos x 9 kings
from one small plant.
View attachment 3304262