Tell us more about all the help you used to be able to grow 900lb a year with only part time work invested?
Sure I would be happy to.
Once apon a time in far away land called British Columbia. There was a spectacular farm that provided medicine for people who wanted an alternative to western pharma.
Patients would come from far and wide seeking out, this special place. They would come to the farm to meet their Designated Grower, and stay and learn from him. In return for knowlage, room and board, and as much meds as they wanted, they provided labour to help keep the farm running. At times there would be as many as 5 patients all living learning and working in harmony. On harvest day, a gaggle of elderly tea toddlers from the community would come and help with the bounty, and be compensated $15/hr. Over the years I was fortunate to help spread the word of the people's plant. Showing people the way to their own sustainability, or if they weren't capable, providing them meds from the garden. Cannabis wasn't the only crop, there was a huge organic garden, that also provided a bounty to enjoy. People came and went, some even returned to this shangrila. Typically staying for 1 full cycle 120 days, the ultimate goal was to show them how and where, their medicine was coming from. There was no shortage of volunteers, that wanted this experience, to work with this great gift of mother natures. Me included.
The end.
Fairy tale or the truth? You decide.