Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

I would love to breed pigs, they can be quite pricey here. And you can do a bunch of food plates with a pig.

We kill hogs every winter here. I usually just keep the tenderloins and ribs, then sausage the rest. When I was a child, we salt cured and smoked both hams, as well as the middlings (bacon). The folks would also remove the face/cheek meat in one whole cut that was cured and smoked (jowl). Now I just skin the hog, but in the day we would scald and scrape the hair from the skin. The skin was cut in small one inch pieces, put in a large cast iron kettle and heated until the fat (lard) was rendered. What you are left with -- besides the lard -- is the infamous cracklins. The night of the slaughter, fresh pork liver was enjoyed by all. Except for me, as hate liver and all organs. Good times and a huge part of our local culture.
Wheres wheezer ?

he hasn't been around for awhile
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We kill hogs every winter here. I usually just keep the tenderloins and ribs, then sausage the rest. When I was a child, we salt cured and smoked both hams, as well as the middlings (bacon). The folks would also remove the face/cheek meat in one whole cut that was cured and smoked (jowl). Now I just skin the hog, but in the day we would scald and scrape the hair from the skin. The skin was cut in small one inch pieces, put in a large cast iron kettle and heated until the fat (lard) was rendered. What you are left with -- besides the lard -- is the infamous cracklins. The night of the slaughter, fresh pork liver was enjoyed by all. Except for me, as hate liver and all organs. Good times and a huge part of our local culture.
In my land there's pig head and feet in some kind of marinate. Serves cold, I don't really like that. We cook a lot of pig meat with black, read and white beans. Besides of the traditional cold meats and sausages. Smoked and fresh pork chops are also a big hit.
I've had 1000 pound boars that you wouldn't want to mess with. A couple of tricks though, if you ever find yourself about to be attacked by one of these is one, hit the fucker square on the end of the snout as hard as you can, preferably with a 2X4, but then, who carries one around with them? They will drop about as fast as you would, lol. Another thing is make sure you stay on your feet. They can't turn their necks to bite you and you can use the top of their bodies with your arms to stay up and away. Pretty much you have to be horizontal, on the ground for them to be able to bite you. Now those tusks are something I'm not sure about. Ours do not have tusks, lol.
Update on my 4 early's that I'm vegging under T5 lights as well as the sun depending on weather. There about a week into there hempbucket and rebounding nicely after the transplant hopefully next week i will start the mainline training. These will be put outside to flower at the end of Jan and harvested in April. 20141208_131436.jpg20141208_131447.jpg 20141208_131454.jpg 20141208_131525.jpg
Squeeze a bud and tell me what it smells like. One of the parents smelled like peppermint so strong it made my nose burn!

How many seeds of Jurple did you plant?

I planted two Jurple seeds, got one female and one male
About two weeks ago I sprouted the third and final Jurple seed that is growing indoors..

Not sure if you remember but you said you wanted one of the Jurple cuts and I said consider it done.. One is also going to the Dr...