Arranging seven 250w metal halides for optimum yield


Well-Known Member
I have spent an insane number of hours doing research and I think I have a plan. Please tell me if this is on the right track at all given the light limitations:

If you were legally limted to 6 mature plants at a time and wanted the highest yield overall *per year* and were limited to running SEVEN 250w metal halides you already have how would you arrange the grow, lights, plants, and schedule and anything else?

I'm thinking ebb and flow type hydro buckets layed on flat ground in a octagonal arrangement and lights kept inbetween the plants surrounding one center plant near the top of plant height but not above the plants, to utilise lights from all angles and get more than just nice top buds. Thinking that can cover more surface area on plants better when matured to a bigger size like 2' at time of flower start and that maturing larger plants in those limited numbers would be preferrable to quick runs of smaller plants?

Lights and plants as close together as temps will allow, perhaps with pulse start MH bulbs (I have mag ballasts) to get lights closer but without cooltubes so they don't limit output or spectrum.

(I am aware of the danger of that type of lamp explosion and proper fireproofing of the room and not misting the bulbs)

I am wondering though if the gain in yield would actually pay off for the significant cost difference of PSMH bulbs times SEVEN bulbs or if I should save that money for fewer larger lights and ballasts in the near future.

Lets say space is not limited in any dimension and you will have full climate control with proper venting, fans, co2, A/C, meters, runtrients, and clones ready to go at the desired flowering start size at any time and that you are willing to learn and apply every trick in the book and spend every hour of time the plants will want to be very well cared for.

Sound good, or would you think SCROG or LST with long veg plants and just lights on top only could yield more? This isn't my first grow but it will be my first with hydro and my first in many many years and with lights this small so I don't quite know what of all the good strategies I have been reading about would really work out best of if there would be a big difference any way over another.

thanks for taking the time to even read my long winded post. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Interesting dilema you have here,im curious as to the replys & suggestions.

Ive got a bunch of 400 watters not in use that ive often thought of doing some what along the lines of your plan of growing just a few monsters,this is going to be a good thread for me to watch.

Since your legal can you please update with a few pics once you figure out a plan,i think it would be fun to grow a few indoor monsters,hell i might even try it depending on the outcome of all this.

If we legalize here in Michigan this year i'll be doing much like you.


Well-Known Member
If you were legally limted to 6 mature plants at a time and wanted the highest yield overall *per year* and were limited to running SEVEN 250w metal halides you already have how would you arrange the grow, lights, plants, and schedule and anything else?
***just noticed your name says oregon duh so all my cali advice is probably nul unless the law reads the same***

Maybe I missed it or its not an option, but I'm assuming you're also a california med patient do to the limitation, but just so you know you could speak to the doctor providing your recommendation to give you a new recommendation stating you need to produce more for your needs and he can give you a higher limitation on the number of mature plants.

Otherwise, what I'm doing personally, is seperating grow space for 6 plants vegging and 6 plants flowering, (california prop 215 allows 12 plants, only 6 mature, but that doesn't mean you can't be constantly vegging and having a cycle that can harvest every 2-2.5 months)


Well-Known Member
Oregon actually. I'm pretty sure it's still six plants and there is no option at all for more at least that I'm aware of.

Right now I only have a mother and my first clone as a backup, it will be maybe two months before I have six properly sized clones ready to put into full action but I'm eager to start building the flowering room and setting it all up. I'll flower a cycle of whatever little wimpy clones I can in soil while waiting to do the main plan but I need some type of room setup to do anything.

Just trying to plan ahead and choose the right hydro and room setup so it's set up right for the long run. I'll have wire grid on the ceiling so the lights and plants can easily be moved and adjusted to compensate for whatever weird sizes they might want to end up.

Actually I think maybe two lights on top on an oscillating mover, one plant in the center, five plants and five lights between them around the outside so the center plant would have insane light from all seven bulbs and each plant around the outside would have a light on two sides plus the top lights. All plants on the outside rotated daily.

If the center plant takes off like mad like I'd expect then the top lights might wind up also on the sides of it rather than on top of that one. I expect some crazy growth from the middle plant if it can possibly make use of all that light.

I really don't know if mainly using side lighting like this is worthwhile given the plants want to point their leaves to the sky but that seems like the best way to utilize the stuff on hand if it will pan out.

Yes I will be constantly vegging large clones in another room with either a drip system or ebb and flow tray and 4" rockwool cubes. (I think.) Then when ready they'll go into 5 gallon buckets in the flower room. Volcanic rock planned for the medium in the 5 gal buckets. (free locally...)
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